My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Meg has a strong desire to be a teacher for the young in her community. She was sent away to school and she wants more than anything for young girls to be able to stay at home while learning. Joseph is a wealthy landowner who wants his future wife to spend her time entertaining governers, presidents, etc. She won't have time for knitting, teaching, and spending time with her friends. When Meg's dad announces to her that she is to marry the Sunday after Easter, Meg does her best to hide her disappointment. She and Joseph have been friends from childhood but she just doesn't feel like he's "the one". However, being a good young lady, Meg will do as her daddy wishes.
One day while rescuing a cat from a tree, Meg gets herself in a predictament. She will either not reach the cat and the cat will fall, or Meg will. From out of nowhere this gorgeous man comes to her rescue. She learns this is the new glassblower in town and she is not to fraternize with her dad's employees. As time goes on, Meg and Colin run into each other and form a friendship. It's this friendship that jeopardizes Meg's family's future as well as Colin's. She just can't seem to resist the Scot though!
It's not until her father is out of town on business that many things start coming to Meg's attention. The accidents, the roof of the schoolhouse, etc are all starting to add up. Whatever should Meg do? Follow her heart or follow her father's wishes?
This is my first read by Laurie Alice Eakes and hopefully not my last. This made for enjoyable Sunday reading while stranded several hours from home awaiting a way back home.
This is my first completed read for the Christian Historical Fiction challenge!
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