My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Destiny's sister Leah is missing. What ever in the world will she do? If anyone learns of her powers, there could be trouble!
This is the fifth book in Melissa Mayhue's Daughters of Glen series. I have not read any of her other books and I didn't feel like I was missing anything by reading this one. Looking back at some other reviews, some of the characters appear in earlier books but never in "main character form".
Destiny needs help finding her sister and this tall, beautiful man falls into her lap, or rather she onto the back of his motorcycle. Her world is a whirlwind of travels and learning more about her rescuer, Jesse. He's a Guardian Fae who knows that the people behind Leah's disappearance are bad news.
This book has some of the most beautiful descriptive scenery. I wish I could find a portal and escape there right now...with Jesse of course! This is a paranormal, highlander romance full of fae and vamps. What could possibly go wrong with these two mystical groups working their own magics in the world?!
Moreover, will Destiny ever see Leah again? Will Jesse break a company policy? Read this great book for a wonderful adventure of mystical love and devotion.
You might want to be aware that there are a couple of "racy" romance scenes (sex included) and the language is fairly strong at times.
Overall, highly recommended, quick, lighthearted read!
My thanks to the publisher for providing this review copy!
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The cover didn't look great either.