Friday, September 4, 2009

The Science of Life After Death by Stephen Martin

This book grips the reader from the very beginning, making reference to someone having an out of body experience during a surgical procedure. It reminded me a lot of the movie Awake

[author:Stephen Martin|1077326] invites the reader into his book to learn more about the life after death phenomenon. I would warn readers that this book requires an open mind. There are many theories presented that are not popular, while others are widely popular. There is discussion of ESP, Out of Body Experiences (OBE), use of mediums to connect with those who have gone on, etc. There were a few things that I'm not sure about...mainly because I've not personally witnessed them or had some sort of personal experience.

While reading this book, it reminded me of a patient that I had several years ago. She was in the final stages of death and it was very early in the morning. She was screaming this horrid scream (one of those you just don't forget) and so I went in to sit with her. She had no family with her and I couldn't bear to let this woman breathe her last on her own. After sitting there for a few minutes, she asked me to uncover her feet, that they were really hot. A few minutes later, she asked me to uncover her legs. This went on for awhile and soon she was drenched in sweat and writhing in pain. She told me to be a better person than she was because she was experiencing hell and it was something she hoped no one would ever have to experience. Before her final breaths, she was wrapped in ice covered blankets to hopefully make her transition somewhat more peaceful. This was the most horrid death that I've ever witnessed.

On the flip side of that, I've had many patients tell me about the light and the calming effect of that light. They seemed to have a peaceful death and the family handled it much better than the previous situation.

There will always be skeptics out there but if this book is approached with an open mind, you might see where some of these theories might hold some weight.

Give this book a chance! It is an enjoyable read and I feel like I might have a somewhat different perspective on life after death. Be sure to check out the author's website!

Because this is such a good read, I'm willing to part with my copy so you can read it before it's released!! This contest is for an ARC copy.

To enter, please leave your email address along with the answer to this question: Have you personally ever experienced an out of body experience or have you know of someone who has? Please share!!

1. Please include your email address with your answer, so that I can contact you if you win. You will have 3 days to respond to the email. You must put your email address in the comments or your entry is invalid. Format like faithfulgirl4[at]gmail[dot]com
2. For an extra entry, sign up to be a follower. If you're already a follower, let me know and you'll get the extra entry as well.
3. For another extra entry, subscribe via googlereader, blogger or by email and let me know that you do.
4. For another entry, blog about this giveaway and send me the link.
5. For another entry, Tweet about this contest and include @faithfulgirl along with website link.
6. For another entry, enter to win another of my giveaways and tell me that you have entered by leaving a comment here as to which one.
7. Leave a separate comment for each entry or you'll only be entered once.

The contest is limited to US and Canada only. No P.O. boxes. The contest ends at 11:59 pm EST on Sept 17, 2009.

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  1. Never had an out of body experience.
    wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. I am already a follower of your blog.
    wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. I subscribe via Google Reader.
    wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. This would be sooooo interesting to tead, count me in please.


  5. I've never had an OBE but the research behind it is fascinating. I would love to win this book. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    I'm already a follower


  6. I have never had an out of body experience, but I did think I was dying once and was looking for Jesus in the white light.

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  7. I just became a new follower


  8. 13, 2009 at 5:59 PM

    I'd love to enter (sounds great) ; no out of body experience here:

    dd DOT bookgoddess AT gmail DOT com


  9. 13, 2009 at 5:59 PM

    I'm a follower too:
    I'd love to enter (sounds great):

    dd DOT bookgoddess AT gmail DOT com


  10. I would love to read this book. The subject area is one that has intrigued me since I was a small child. Please enter me into the giveaway.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  11. I have had many out of body experiences (medication induced and through more natural means). Each has been unique. The most compelling one was when I felt my soul leaving my body to go toward this person standing over me in a dark cloak. I knew my physical body was still in bed, but also could see me floating in the air toward Christ. Just as I was about to reach him, he disappeared and I awoke. I knew that I had just escaped death but I was still peaceful and not frightened. What an experience that was.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  12. I follow and subscribe to your blog.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  13. I tweeted about this giveaway:

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  14. I tweeted about this giveaway.

    bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

  15. Shellie @ Layers of ThoughtSeptember 15, 2009 at 2:28 PM

    I am a new follower - this book looks really interesting.

  16. I do not have any experience with an o0ut of bady experience but it has always interested me.

  17. When I was pregnant with my son I had a number of surgeries. One I was awake for and in a lot of pain. I had an out of body experience, where I could see myself laying on the table. I think it was just a way to get away from the pain for a few moments, but it made the rest of the procedure more bearable.

  18. I don't know if you would call it an out of body experience---but it's along the lines of the book. When I was 17 I lived in London and one night a big group of us were going to our school --to help out with a fashion show some of us were Models, dressers,designers--10 of us were carrying all manner of garment bags, shoe bags, shopping bags etc and- we were in a huge rush trying to juggle everything when we noticed the building across the hi-street a bunch of people all dressed in white flowing garments seemed to be working on the roof of the building---we all saw it and wondered what the heck they were doing---as we got into cabs and sped off to our fashion show---and party. We saw the people on the roof around 5 pm ---we got home around 2:00 am exhausted and went to sleep. The next morning when we got up our house mother told us there had been a terrible tragedy last night across the street --there had been a fire around 9:00pm 5 people had died of smoke including 3 children. The "people" we saw were all adults and we saw probably 8 or 9---so what did we see? angels ghosts??? and why hours before the tragedy?? I like to think they were angels taking those 5 away before they suffered. I would be very interested in reading this book.

  19. I have a friend who had an out of body experience and I would like to read this book to read the theories about life after death. Thanks for the chance.

    mia at jacobsracing dot com
