Monday, September 7, 2009

City of Glass: Mortal Instruments #3 by Cassandra Clare

City of Glass (Mortal Instruments, #3) City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I would say that I'm sorry that the Mortal Instruments series has come to an end, but I'm not. BECAUSE IT'S NOT OVER YET!!! :) I'm so incredibly excited that Cassandra Clare has announced that there will be a 4th book and a MOVIE!!! (See more info here)

This book was incredible and my favorite so far. To defeat Valentine, everyone must go to Idris where the Clave is meeting. Jace does everything he can to keep Clary from going but you just can't stop a woman (when are men going to get this?!) Lots of activity in this non-stop heart-pounding book!

There are a few new characters along the way to make the journey to and through Idris even more enjoyable.

My favorite character? Still Simon...I have a soft spot for him. He was dealt a bad deck of cards I think.

My least favorite character? Most will disagree with me I'm sure (and feel free to comment!) but I'm really tired of Clary and her ways. She becomes a little too overwhelming for me and I'm not sure that I like her decision making process in this book. Part of me wants to see Clary "get her due" in book 4: City of Fallen Angels. Then again, I'm all for a heroine too...we'll see what happens!!

View all my reviews >>

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