Welcome to the July 23rd version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by
Berleen, the number 22 and the color of the last road kill you saw.
1. You walk into a store and the cashier is being held up by a robber. The robber's accomplice is dead on the floor at your feet with a shotgun laying next to him. The robber does not see you, but the cashier does - what do you do? Well, if I can get to the gun without the robber seeing me, I'll grab it and hold up the robber while dialing 9-1-1. I'd let the cashier know that I would do anything I can for him/her but hope they won't give me away to the robber either!
2. We go to an ice cream shop for an ice cream cone. You say you are buying and I am going to stay in the car. You ask me what I want and I say "surprise me", what kind of ice cream cone am I going to get? Well, I'm a pretty boring individual so I'd get you what I'm getting...vanilla
3. You have a dream that your co-worker, friend or whoever is hit by a garbage truck after they back into a ladder with a black cat on it. The next day you see that person standing by a ladder with a black cat on it and there is a garbage truck driving down the road.... what do you do? Laugh first, just because that's how I am. Then I'd get my friend away from the ladder (but not close to the garbage truck). I'd tell the cat to "scat".
4. What is the most money you've won on a lottery or scratch off ticket? I've never played...I know...amazing...but I do win a lot of books...does that count?
5. A neighbor kid down the street comes to your door and offers to wash all of your windows outside for $10 - do you have him do it? Nope, because if he's at my door, he won't last long if my father-in-law has anything to do with it. My house is pretty hard to find anyway. Besides, if I let someone wash them, it will rain anyway...that's how my luck rolls.
6. Go to Google Images. Type in the name of the last movie you saw. Post the first picture that comes up.

7. Your local animal shelter calls you and says there are 3 dogs that need an immediate foster home for 3 days. If you do not accept, the dogs are put down that day. Do you take them in? I won't but I have a friend that would so I'd call her and ask her. I couldn't because we don't have the space and my father-in-law would have a cow.
8. What is the messiest room in your home? This would be easier to answer if it was the cleanest room in my house...I've been gone to a conference this week so I'll just say the whole house!
9. Have you ever been to a wedding that participated in a strange tradition that you had never heard of? Not necessarily one that I had never heard of but had just never experienced before. I was a bridesmaid in a Catholic wedding before...full mass..longest wedding ever! (too bad the marriage didn't last) :(
10. Name one sport that you just don't get. Football
11. What was the last email that came into your inbox about? books, of course!
12. Have you ever purchased anything from a sex shop? Extra points if you tell us what it was.... nope, never.
13. Go back to that Google Images link... type in the last food item that you ate. Post the 2nd picture it comes up with. 

14. Got any bumper stickers on your vehicle? What are they? Nope, hubby won't allow it.
15. What meme question do you wish was never asked again? This one?? I don't know. I have too much fun answering these things! :)
Berleen & Kimber wanted to thank all you Thunkers for playing!
I see out answers to #11 was about the same email!
ReplyDeleteSometimes these are hard. Also, I read someone elses answers and think Oh man I should have said that!
ReplyDeletei had a nice long catholic wedding :) hope the marriage will last tho :)
ReplyDeleteanyway, mine's UP too. tc
In the 2nd one you answer that you're boring? And in the first one you answer that you'd hold the gun on the robber? That doesn't sound boring to me!! You go girl!!
ReplyDeleteI played and thunk...come on over if you can find time to visit with me. I'd love your company. Happy Thursday. [for the Thursday thunks...scroll down a bit, okay?]
Vanilla totally works.
i like vanilla
ReplyDeleteAnd a good vanilla ice cream. with the specks.