A place where I blog the goings on in my own little corner of the world. I like to talk about the books I read, the classes I teach, the homeschooling I plan on doing, weight loss strategies, among other things.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Book Giveaway: The Blue Star by Tony Earley
Seven years ago, readers everywhere fell in love with Jim Glass, the precocious ten-year-old at the heart of Tony Earley's bestseller Jim the Boy. Now a teenager, Jim returns in another tender and wise story of young love on the eve of World War Two.
Jim Glass has fallen in love, as only a teenage boy can fall in love, with his classmate Chrissie Steppe. Unfortunately, Chrissie is Bucky Bucklaw's girlfriend, and Bucky has joined the Navy on the eve of war. Jim vows to win Chrissie's heart in his absence, but the war makes high school less than a safe haven, and gives a young man's emotions a grown man's gravity.
With the uncanny insight into the well-intentioned heart that made Jim the Boy a favorite novel for thousands of readers, Tony Earley has fashioned another nuanced and unforgettable portrait of America in another time--making it again even realer than our own day.
This is a timeless and moving story of discovery, loss and growing up, proving why Tony Earley's writing "radiates with a largeness of heart" (Esquire).
About Tony Earley
Tony Earley is the author of four books: Here We Are in Paradise, a collection of stories; the novel Jim the Boy; the personal essay collection Somehow Form a Family; and The Blue Star, a novel released in Spring, 2008. A winner of a National Magazine Award for fiction, he was named one of the twenty best writers of his generation by both Granta, in 1996, and The New Yorker in 1999. His fiction and/or nonfiction have appeared in Harper's, Esquire, The New Yorker, The Oxford American, The New York Times Book Review, Tin House, Best American Short Stories, New Stories from the South and many other magazines and anthologies.
He is a native of western North Carolina and a graduate of Warren Wilson College and The University of Alabama. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife and daughter, where he is the Samuel Milton Fleming Associate Professor of English at Vanderbilt University.
Interview with Tony Earley
Read a Chapter Excerpt
Contest Rules:
To enter, tell me about your first crush/love.
My first crush (he hated me!) was a boy named Eli. He could sing and play guitar and I thought he was the cutest thing ever. Of course, he ended up being a total jerk!!
1. Please include your email address with your answer, so that I can contact you if you win. You will have 3 days to respond to the email. You must put your email address in the comments or your entry is invalid. Format like faithfulgirl4[at]gmail[dot]com
2. For an extra entry, sign up to be a follower. If you're already a follower, let me know and you'll get the extra entry as well.
3. For another extra entry, subscribe via googlereader, blogger or by email and let me know that you do.
4. For another entry, blog about this giveaway and send me the link.
5. For another entry, Tweet about this contest and include @faithfulgirl along with website link.
6. For another entry, enter to win another of my giveaways and tell me that you have entered by leaving a comment here as to which one.
7. Leave a separate comment for each entry or you'll only be entered once.
The contest is limited to US and Canada only. No P.O. boxes. The contest ends at 11:59 pm EST on August 31, 2009. Only one title per winning household will be awarded.
Book Giveaway: The Lost Dog by Michelle de Kretser
Tom Loxley, an Indian-Australian professor, is less concerned with finishing his book on Henry James than with finding his dog, who is lost in the Australian bush.
Joining his daily hunt is Nelly Zhang, an artist whose husband disappeared mysteriously years before Tom met her. Although Nelly helps him search for his beloved pet, Tom isn't sure if he should trust this new friend.
Tom has preoccupations other than his book and Nelly and his missing dog, mainly concerning his mother, who is suffering from the various indignities of old age. He is constantly drawn from the cerebral to the primitive--by his mother's infirmities, as well as by Nelly's attractions. THE LOST DOG makes brilliant use of the conventions of suspense and atmosphere while leading us to see anew the ever-present conflicts between our bodies and our minds, the present and the past, the primal and the civilized.
About Michelle de Kretser
Michelle de Kretser was born in Sri Lanka and emigrated to Australia when she was fourteen. She was educated in Melbourne and Paris and has worked as an editor and a book reviewer.
The Hamilton Case, her second novel, received the Commonwealth Writers Prize (SE Asia and Pacific region), and the Society of Authors’ (U.K.) Encore Award for best second novel of the year. It was also first runner-up for Barnes & Noble’s Discover Award in Fiction, and a New York Times Notable Book.
The Lost Dog is her third novel. It was a finalist for the Commonwealth Writers Prize and received the 2008 Christina Stead Prize for fiction.
Article: Michelle's motivation for her newest novel
Contest Rules:
To enter, leave a comment telling me about something you've lost that meant a lot to you. Did you ever find it?
I lose my mind all the time and know that if my head wasn't attached to my shoulders, it would roll off!! :)
1. Please include your email address with your answer, so that I can contact you if you win. You will have 3 days to respond to the email. You must put your email address in the comments or your entry is invalid. Format like faithfulgirl4[at]gmail[dot]com
2. For an extra entry, sign up to be a follower. If you're already a follower, let me know and you'll get the extra entry as well.
3. For another extra entry, subscribe via googlereader, blogger or by email and let me know that you do.
4. For another entry, blog about this giveaway and send me the link.
5. For another entry, Tweet about this contest and include @faithfulgirl along with website link.
6. For another entry, enter to win another of my giveaways and tell me that you have entered by leaving a comment here as to which one.
7. Leave a separate comment for each entry or you'll only be entered once.
The contest is limited to US and Canada only. No P.O. boxes. The contest ends at 11:59 pm EST on August 31, 2009. Only one title per winning household will be awarded.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Friday Fill-Ins: #135

Graphic courtesy of Tonya!
And...here we go!
1. It's time for BED!!
2. Books; it's not a bad place for a free getaway!
3. I must be crazy to think that I worked on 2 furlough days...had to though or my classroom wouldn't be ready for Monday! Still might not be!
4. Christ/Christianity is the best thing I have ever known.
5. My life is simply chaotic.
6. The last time I laughed really loudly was yesterday.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to resting/shopping, tomorrow my plans include going to work (open house) and Sunday, I want to rest after church!
Booking Through Thursday: Funnies
What’s the funniest book you’ve read recently?
I would have to say Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy by Francesa Simon. I actually haven't finished this book quite yet because it's a collection of short stories for young readers. I'm reading it aloud to my 5 and 3 year olds. It's funny because they've already picked out who they are like in the book. I'll post the review once we finish the book, which will be either tonight or tomorrow.
Thursday Thunks: Stupid Questions?!?!?!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by
Kimber, the number 14 and the color of life. (2 questions by Ber, figure out which 2.)
1. You are in an enclosed space with a group of friends. Elevator, auto, small room, etc.. You fart and it really stinks. Do you take credit for it or do you play along with the questioning of who did it? I will definitely play along!!! I always follow the old adage, "The smeller's the feller!"
2. You are locked in a room sitting at a desk with just a piece of paper and a purple crayon. What do you draw? First of all, purple is the most amazing color ever!! I don't really draw so I'd probably write my family's names over and over again. It's a habit when I'm bored...I know, it's weird!
3. Do you ever pee in the shower? Who doesn't? LOL
4. Have you bought, sold or got rid of something on Craigslist? Actually, I've bought and sold several things on Craigslist. That was long before the crazy man though...nothing since then. I always take a buddy with me if I do make a sale or purchase. It's not safe to do things like meeting strangers when you are alone!
5. You are in a convenience store. In the line in front of you is a drunk guy trying to purchase more alcohol. The cashier tells him they cannot sell it to him because he is obviously already intoxicated. He gets belligerent. The cashier is scared. What do you do? R-U-N!!!
6. While shopping for produce, do you "sample" before you buy (i.e. grapes)? I don't sample stuff. Too many germs!!! (yes, I'm a tad bit germaphobic)
7. You are walking down the street and there is a toddler sitting on a bench by themselves in front of a store - do you just keep walking? Absolutely not!! I'm going to stop and talk to them, find out where the parental units are and if they don't appear within 5 minutes (after all, I'm a stranger talking to their kid), I'm calling the police. I'll stay with the kid until proper placement is made, which will hopefully be with the family or with me. I love kids!
8. Have you looked up an old friend and/or lover online? *blush* yes, I have. I also met my hubby online! :)
9. You are nearly in a car/auto accident. Do you freak out, follow the person who nearly caused it & talk to them or just keep going? I'm going to keep going while being all freaked out. It takes me a while to calm down after an incident like that.
Berleen & Kimber wanted to thank all you Thunkers for playing! This is rapidly becoming a very popular meme...you all love us, you really really love us! When we started Thursday Thunks, there was 3-4 usually a week. We try to read and comment on each Thunker each week. As a work at home mom and a stay at home/homeschooling mom, we don't always have the time. Life tends to get in the way. We do want you to know we love and appreciate your participation!!! If we don't get a chance to comment, don't be upset. Please try to visit at least a few fellow Thunkers each week. People like it when you visit.
But hey... if you really miss us you can always join us over at the InsanityCafe Community & Forums. It's a small online community that offers some sanity to our strange world. And hey... you think Thursday Thunks is weird? You ain't seen nothing yet! (and we hand out free meds!)
To Kimberly and Berleen, This week's TT was especially enjoyable. I don't believe in "stupid" questions though. You'll never know if you don't ask. Just think what you will learn this week from others!! :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
And the winners of OFF SEASON and MY NAME IS WILL are...
First of all, the winners of OFF SEASON are...

Congrats to the winners!!
Now, the winners of MY NAME IS WILL are...

Congrats to all the winners and be sure to continue to check back for more great giveaways!!
Mentoring Beginning Teachers, Second Edition: Guiding, Reflecting, Coaching

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I chose to read this book because I am a mentor for a new teacher this year. I felt that this book would be helpful in addition to the training that I receive from my school district. I found, surprisingly, that this book is *really* good! Most times I might turn my nose up at a book like this however I found it hard to stop reading at times.
The most enjoyable part of this book for me was the writing style itself. The writers were wonderful about introducing a topic, such as how to get your administrators to support you, and then they would role play dialogue to help solve the problem. Then a short summary would follow that would wrap up the most important points.
The topics covered were very beneficial to a mentor teacher, whether the protege is a student teacher or a brand new teacher with no prior experience. I had a wonderful mentor when I started teaching and I hope to impart part of his wisdom into the mentoring of my new teacher.
I feel more confident now that I've read this book and I'll be recommending it to the curriculum director in my school district for all mentor teachers to read!
View all my reviews >>
Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading.
TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to:
Grab your current read.Let the book fall open to a random page.
Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
Please avoid spoilers!!
"Yeah, because you know the most important part of the quinceanera is the barbecue after. Brisket, chicken, sausage---something more than that prissy food you girls like. The men quieren comer!" he roared.
Taken from Damas, Dramas, and Ana Ruiz by Belinda Acosta
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Light, the Dark, and Ember Between

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a book of about 15 short stories written by J.W. Nicklaus. There is a little drama, humor, romance, and more in this book. I enjoyed reading it during a conference when the topics did not interest me as much as the book did! I found it hard to put the book down at times because the stories were so captivating. In my opinion, the most memorable stories in the book are the following with a short review:
Requiem for Linny: I enjoyed this story because it reminded me of my grandmother a little bit. There are some things that people hang on to and have a hard time letting go. Reflecting back on this today, the story means a little more as a young man I know died in a drowning accident over the weekend. He's the second in my church in 3 days to drown. Puts a different spin on a story like this.
10:18-All I can say about this one is "WOW". If this one doesn't change your life....well, it SHOULD change your life!!
One Washington Diner: This one I read in the doctor's office this morning and needless to say, the tears in my eyes caused my doctor some concern when he finally came in my room. This was one of my favorites. It's a very sweet love story that had me reflecting back on my marriage and our relationship and how I might improve that.
Winter Rose: Another tear jerker...this is a MUST read. If you only read one story in this book, make it this one. In light of present world events it puts some things in perspective.
In the Name of Love: This is the only non-fiction story in this book. It's very personal and will strike a chord with anyone with a heart.
While these were my favorites, I don't want to take away anything from the other stories. They were all enjoyable and I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for some inspiration, a "feel good" story, or who is just looking for a quick read while at a conference, the doctor's office, or whereever else the world might take you.
View all my reviews >>
Mailbox Monday

Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page each Monday so that other book lovers and bloggers can see and comment on what's in the mailbox. Thanks Marcia for a great way of posting our new (or new to us) books!!
Have you read a book on my list? Please comment on it. It's possible I will use your comment and link back to you when I post my review of a particular book!
Here's what was in my box this week:
To Review:
Damas, Dramas, and Ana Ruiz by Belinda Acosta (Thanks to Miriam at Hatchett Book Group) Look for this review on August 11 when it is featured right here on my blog!
The Fun Minute Manager by Bob Pike, Robert C. Ford, and John W. Newstrom (I actually purchased 2 copies of this one...one for me and one for my classroom at school. I wish I could remember who recommended this one to me!)
Stand In Groom by Kaye Dacus
Giveaway Books I Have Won:
The Sinful Life of Lucy Burns by Elizabeth Leiknes (Thanks to Suzanne at Chick with Books for hosting this giveaway and for Harrison at Bancroft Press for mailing it out to me!) If you have a minute, please stop by and visit Suzanne. She always has great giveaways posted!! You can also read my entry for this contest there. She asked what our one wish would be if we could be granted anything...all the entries were great but for some reason, she chose mine. It's quite personal but I don't mind sharing it with you. Visit her for the answer though! :)
What's in your box this week?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
American Christian Fiction Writers Finalists for Book of the Year

Here are the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) Book Of The Year Finalists! The winners will be announced at the ACFW conference in September!
Debut Author
A Passion Most Pure (Julie Lessman)
Courting Miss Adelaide (Janet Dean)
Every Good and Perfect Gift (Sharon K. Souza)
Hero, Second Class (Mitchell Bonds)
In the Shadow of the Sun King (Golden Keyes Parsons)
Faking Grace (Tamara Leigh)
Picket Fence Promises (Kathryn Springer)
Single Sashimi (Camy Tang)
Sweet Caroline (Rachel Hauck)
Truffles by the Sea (Julie Carobini)
Long Contemporary
Lookin Back Texas (Leanna Ellis)
One Holy Night (J.M. Hochstetler)
Stuck in the Middle (Virginia Smith)
Summer of Joy (Ann H. Gabhart)
Symphony of Secrets (Sharon Hinck)
Long Contemporary Romance
Along Came a Cowboy (Christine Lynxwiler)
Controlling Interest (Elizabeth White)
The Convenient Groom (Denise Hunter)
Finding Stefanie (Susan May Warren)- This novel was the winner of RWA's Rita contest
Zora and Nicky: A Novel in Black & White (Caludia Mair Burney)
Long Historical (6 finalists due to a tie)
The Apothecary’s Daughter (Julie Klassen)
Calico Canyon (Mary Connealy)
Deep In the Heart of Trouble (Deeanne Gist)
From A Distance (Tamera Alexander)
I Have Seen Him in the Watchfires (Cathy Gohlke) - this book won the Christy Award
My Heart Remembers ( Kim Vogel Sawyer)
The Case of the Bouncing Grandma (A.K. Arenz)
Death on a Deadline (Christine Lynxwiler, Sandy Gaskin, and Jan Reynolds)
Drop Dead Diva (Christine Lynxwiler, Sandy Gaskin, and Jan Reynolds)
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Nancy Mehl)
Of Mice . . . and Murder (Mary Connealy)
The Cookie Jar (Janet Lee Barton in A Connecticut Christmas anthology)
Dressed in Scarlet (Darlene Franklin in Snowbound Colorado Christmas anthology)
Santa’s Prayer (Diane Ashley in A Connecticut Christmas anthology)
Snowbound for Christmas (Gail Sattler in A Connecticut Christmas anthology)
Stuck On You (Rhonda Gibson in A Connecticut Christmas anthology)
Short Contemporary
Buffalo Gal (Mary Connealy)
Clueless Cowboy (Mary Connealy)
Family Treasures (Kathryn Springer)
Her Unlikely Family (Missy Tippens)
White as Snow (Janice Thompson)
Short Contemporary Suspense
Bayou Paradox (Robin Caroll)
Broken Lullaby (Pamela Tracy)
Countdown to Death (Debby Giusti)
Forsaken Canyon (Margaret Daley)
Killer Cargo (Dana Mentink)
Short Historical
Family of the Heart (Dorothy Clark)
Masked by Moonlight (Allie Pleiter)
Reckless Rogue (Mary Davis)
Return to Love (Susan Page Davis)
Sandhill Dreams (Cara Putman)
The Book of Names (D. Barkley Briggs)
DragonLight (Donita K. Paul)
The Restorer’s Journey (Sharon Hinck)
Shade (John B. Olson)
Summa Elvetica: A Casuistry of the Elvish Controversy (Theodore Beale)
Anathema (Colleen Coble)
The Black Cloister (Melanie Dobson)
Fossil Hunter (John B. Olson)
Lonestar Sanctuary (Colleen Coble)
Perfect (Harry Kraus)
Women’s Fiction (7 finalists due to a tie)
A Month of Summer (Lisa Wingate)
Every Good and Perfect Gift (Sharon K. Souza)
My Sister Dilly (Maureen Lang)
The Perfect Life (Robin Lee Hatcher)
The Shape of Mercy (Susan Meissner)
Stepping into Sunlight (Sharon Hinck)
Tuesday Night at the Blue Moon (Debbie Fuller Thomas)
Young Adult
The Big Picture (Jenny B. Jones)
The Fruit of My Lipstick (Shelley Adina)
It’s all About Us (Shelley Adina)
The Owling (Robert Elmer)
Trion Rising (Robert Elmer)
I've linked to those that I've read so you can go back and read the review. I'm also going to make a challenge out of this list since I've read so few. I feel that any book that is up for "book of the year" deserves to be read!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Mother's Hands
by Janet Martin © 2009
Not because of gold or silver,
Not because of jeweled bands,
Not because they're soft and perfect,
Do I love my mother's hands,
But because these hands once held me
Tenderly close to her breast,
And because these hands would point me
Down a path she knew was best
Mother's hands so gladly labored,
Mother's hands so seldom still,
Never seeking her own favor,
Giving always her free will,
But the thing of greatest beauty
As she tended to each care,
Was her source of strength for duty,
Mother's hands were hands of prayer
Mother's hands would clap to praise me
For a good deed I had done,
Mother's hands were there to save me
When my deeds would hurt someone,
And my mother's hands would teach me
What is right and what is good,
Mother's hands would always reach me
When no other hand ere could
Mother's hands, so full of power
When her load was hard to bear,
Even in life's darkest hour
Mother's hands would fold in prayer,
Oh, no matter where I travel,
Or how great the sights or grand,
There is none to make me marvel
Like my mother's praying hands
Praying hands can reach her children
When they're oh, so far away,
Mother knows that God will reach them
As she folds her hands to pray,
Gracious Father, up in Heaven,
Bless each mother everywhere,
In each country, tribe or nation,
Bless the hands, the hands of prayer
Fairy Hunters Ink by Sheila A. Dane

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Have you ever wondered what happens to your socks while in the washer? Or why they develop holes? Have you ever wondered why your clothes fall off clothes hangers? What about the times when you've picked up your book to find that you've lost your place? These things don't "just happen", they are helped along with fairies!
Sheila Dane along with illustrator Rose Csorba have done a beautiful job of explaining the different types of fairies in the world. Of course they have the help of Ashley, Big Rabbit, Turtle and friends in telling the story as well. I struggled with getting into the book but once I did, I found it very enlightening and an overall enjoyable read. The fairies are beautifully depicted, although not like I would have imagined them! I've had the wrong impression of fairies for many years I guess.
This book is fairly fast reading. I'm sure I would have read it faster had it not been in e-book format but I still enjoyed it. I intend on reading it to my children one day. I started it on vacation and read it mostly while they were sleeping (the only time I really get to read these days!). While this book is a continuous story of Ashley and friends finding new fairies, I can see how this book could also be called a short story book. Each story could be individual in and of itself. I do believe that the short stories or chapters would make excellent reading for a new reader. There are a few "big" words in there (even some I had to look up) but it would be an educational venture for the reader.
My favorite part of the book was the ending. I thought it very creative and original. I'll not say anymore about it. You'll just have to read the book!
View all my reviews >>
Many thanks to the author for providing this e-book to review!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Friday Fill-ins

Graphic courtesy of Tonya!
And...here we go!
1. Being furloughed for three days is not the end of the world.
2. Sitting here, listening to the sound of rain falling, I realize it's going to be another sleepless night.
3. Fresh, cold fruit tastes so good!
4. Sometimes, putting others first is very time constraining but you will be rewarded in the end for remembering others before yourself.
5. Alaska is breathtaking, really.
6. Well, maybe there is a Santa Claus after all. :)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to a drive-in movie, tomorrow my plans include catching up on laundry and attending a funeral, and Sunday, I want to relax with the family!
Booking Through Thursday: Preferences
Which do you prefer? (Quick answers–we’ll do more detail at some later date)
- Reading something frivolous? Or something serious? Depends on my mood
- Paperbacks? Or hardcovers? paperbacks
- Fiction? Or Nonfiction? fiction
- Poetry? Or Prose? prose
- Biographies? Or Autobiographies? biographies
- History? Or Historical Fiction? historical fiction
- Series? Or Stand-alones? either
- Classics? Or best-sellers? either
- Lurid, fruity prose? Or straight-forward, basic prose? straight forward
- Plots? Or Stream-of-Consciousness? plots
- Long books? Or Short? either
- Illustrated? Or Non-illustrated? either
- Borrowed? Or Owned? either
- New? Or Used? either
(Yes, I know, some of these we’ve touched on before, and some of these we might address in-depth in the future, but for today–just quick answers!)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thursday Thunks: Catchy Titles
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
1. You walk into a store and the cashier is being held up by a robber. The robber's accomplice is dead on the floor at your feet with a shotgun laying next to him. The robber does not see you, but the cashier does - what do you do? Well, if I can get to the gun without the robber seeing me, I'll grab it and hold up the robber while dialing 9-1-1. I'd let the cashier know that I would do anything I can for him/her but hope they won't give me away to the robber either!
2. We go to an ice cream shop for an ice cream cone. You say you are buying and I am going to stay in the car. You ask me what I want and I say "surprise me", what kind of ice cream cone am I going to get? Well, I'm a pretty boring individual so I'd get you what I'm getting...vanilla
3. You have a dream that your co-worker, friend or whoever is hit by a garbage truck after they back into a ladder with a black cat on it. The next day you see that person standing by a ladder with a black cat on it and there is a garbage truck driving down the road.... what do you do? Laugh first, just because that's how I am. Then I'd get my friend away from the ladder (but not close to the garbage truck). I'd tell the cat to "scat".
4. What is the most money you've won on a lottery or scratch off ticket? I've never played...I know...amazing...but I do win a lot of books...does that count?
5. A neighbor kid down the street comes to your door and offers to wash all of your windows outside for $10 - do you have him do it? Nope, because if he's at my door, he won't last long if my father-in-law has anything to do with it. My house is pretty hard to find anyway. Besides, if I let someone wash them, it will rain anyway...that's how my luck rolls.
6. Go to Google Images. Type in the name of the last movie you saw. Post the first picture that comes up.

8. What is the messiest room in your home? This would be easier to answer if it was the cleanest room in my house...I've been gone to a conference this week so I'll just say the whole house!
9. Have you ever been to a wedding that participated in a strange tradition that you had never heard of? Not necessarily one that I had never heard of but had just never experienced before. I was a bridesmaid in a Catholic wedding before...full mass..longest wedding ever! (too bad the marriage didn't last) :(
10. Name one sport that you just don't get. Football
11. What was the last email that came into your inbox about? books, of course!
12. Have you ever purchased anything from a sex shop? Extra points if you tell us what it was.... nope, never.

14. Got any bumper stickers on your vehicle? What are they? Nope, hubby won't allow it.
15. What meme question do you wish was never asked again? This one?? I don't know. I have too much fun answering these things! :)
Berleen & Kimber wanted to thank all you Thunkers for playing!
The Enclave: Some Thought Provoking Questions

Today is the last day of the Christian Science Fiction/Fantasy Blog Tour about a new release by Karen Hancock, The Enclave.
This book focused on genetic experimentation. I would like to have a *friendly* discussion with you about some things that are occurring in our world and get your thoughts. I am a nurse by profession (although I'm no longer at the bedside, I do remain up-to-date on all matters bedside!) and have personally seen some of these things and heard of them. These are not easy questions and I do not profess to have the answers. I do have strong feelings about these things though!
1. What do you think of creating an embryo in a lab for the sake of creating the "perfect" child?
2. If the child is not perfect, should the stem cells be used, for say, possibly curing Alzheimer's?
3. How do you feel about the use of more animal parts in research concerning the possibility of implanting these parts into humans for the curing of a disease?
4. Overall, how do you feel about genetic manipulation?
5. What would you do if you were hired to work in a lab like K-J and started finding out some unethical things happening? Would you participate or blow the whistle? Why?
Again, I hope we can have a friendly dialog about these questions because these are things that are either happening or will be happening soon. I do not want any flaming of others for their opinion. I have high schoolers who can discuss these things in a very civilized manner so I know this conversation can occur.
I do hope you will take a few minutes to go and visit others blogs on this tour:
Brandon Barr
Jennifer Bogart
Keanan Brand
Grace Bridges
Melissa Carswell
Valerie Comer
Amy Cruson
CSFF Blog Tour
Stacey Dale
D. G. D. Davidson
Janey DeMeo
Jeff Draper
Emmalyn Edwards
April Erwin
Karina Fabian
Beth Goddard
Todd Michael Greene
Heather R. Hunt
Becky Jesse
Cris Jesse
Carol Keen
Krystine Kercher
Dawn King
Mike Lynch
Melissa Meeks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
Steve Rice
Crista Richey
James Somers
Speculative Faith
Rachel Starr Thomson
Steve Trower
Fred Warren
Elizabeth Williams
Also, remember I'm giving this book away this evening at 11:59 pm. Be sure to sign up to win this great book if you haven't already!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Enclave: Author Spotlight + giveaway

It's Christian Science Fiction/Fantasy Blog Tour time again and today through Wednesday, I'll be telling you a little about a new release by Karen Hancock, The Enclave. Today the focus is going to be on the author, Karen Hancock.
This is taken from Ms. Hancock's website:
The Dry Bones
Born Pasadena, California
Grew up in Tucson, Arizona and Danville, California
Presently reside in Tucson.
Graduated from University of Arizona with bachelor's degrees in Biology and Wildlife Biology
Married to an engineer and we have one son whom I homeschooled for 8 years. He has recently graduated from public high school and is embarking on his own college career.
Activities/Experiences: besides being wife and mother, I am a keeper of hounds and a watercolor artist (yes, the paintings on this site are mine). I have raised chickens, turkeys and goats, made apple cider, hiked the Grand Canyon in a day, snowshoed three times into the Sierra Nevada's Desolation Wilderness (encountering blizzards two times), managed a stable of sixty horses, worked at Steward Observatory as an artist and in the Biology Department at the University of Arizona as a keeper of rats, mice and frogs for experiments. I have cleaned oil spill off scores of seabirds so they could be re-released, nursed a sparrow and a red-tailed hawk back to health, and lost a snake in the couch. I play tennis, walk, journal, sketch and am teaching myself how to make books. I love to read, and I watch a lot of movies and I drive my friends and family crazy with my analysis and discussion of both categories. I am completely captivated by stories and words, especially in their function of communicating the truths of life. Most of all, I love Bible Class.
The Meat -- Or How I Came to Write Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy
More than 25 years ago I left my college area apartment to go to a meeting with a man who would supposedly answer all my questions about the Bible and Creation versus the theory of Evolution, which I passionately supported. As I locked the front door, I remember saying to myself, "Those people think they're going to convert me, but they're wrong. No one can know for sure which explanation is right because no one was actually there back when whatever happened happened."
The man did answer all my questions -- every one of them. I just didn't understand any of his answers. What I did understand -- suddenly, stunningly -- was the reality of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fact that I deeply desired to know Him. Without understanding much of anything about what sin was, I acknowledged I was a sinner and believed that He died for me on the cross some 2000 years ago.
I came home utterly changed. Family members couldn't figure out what was the matter with me. "What happened?" one asked. "Did they give you some sort of injection over there at that church?"
I was one of those wildly enthusiastic, intensely emotional converts. Evolution flew out the window and I've never looked back.
A year later I was married and living in Northern Arizona where the Lord introduced me to the taped sermons of Col. R.B. Thieme, Jr out of Houston, Tx. Col Thieme taught six times a week in those days, using an intensive isagogical, categorical and exegetical approach to teaching the Bible. I couldn't get enough of it, sometimes listening to three tapes a day, which, since I was carless and jobless and still new to the community, I had plenty of time to do.
A year after that while house-sitting for some Christian friends I was complaining about a best-selling novel I had picked up, and my husband suggested that instead of complaining I might want to write my own. The light went on, the fire blazed and off I went. The very next day while dusting I discovered a copy of The Writer's Market on the bottom shelf of a bedside table and in it was an article that was supposed to help you decide if you were a writer or not. I was.
Reading since before I even started school, I'd routinely carried home armloads of books from the library and read them all. I'd made up stories since I could remember, and when I was in junior high school I began to actually write them down. I wrote an entire novel in high school (a western) and started another (SF) before I left for college. I even had the audacity to send the western off to Doubleday for consideration for publication. When it was returned to me six months later I was mortified that I had actually shown it to anyone and threw it away lest I ever be tempted again.
Now, with my husband's encouragement I started a Christian western. Four months later I saw Star Wars at the same time as I was in the midst of a Bible study about putting on the armor of God, and something clicked. Suddenly I could see all the parallels and metaphors. I scrapped the western and launched into SF allegory . . . It changed into fantasy, a novel that got me two agents and an almost-sale, that has just been entirely rewritten for the third time and only awaits an opening in the Christian market. I believe eventually its time will come.*
Meantime, the Lord has given me Arena, and after many, many years of writing on trust alone, He's seen fit to have it published.
*It has! In May of 2002 I signed a contract with Bethany House for a four-book fantasy cycle, entitled Legends of the Guardian King, the first volume of which is this book. God is good!
Julie here....I have placed her Legends of the Guardian King volumes on my TBR list. If these are as good as this book, I'm in for a real treat! :)
Karen is also a Christy Award winner for the year 2003 for her debut book Arena.
I do hope you will take a few minutes to go and visit others blogs on this tour:
Brandon Barr
Jennifer Bogart
Keanan Brand
Grace Bridges
Melissa Carswell
Valerie Comer
Amy Cruson
CSFF Blog Tour
Stacey Dale
D. G. D. Davidson
Janey DeMeo
Jeff Draper
Emmalyn Edwards
April Erwin
Karina Fabian
Beth Goddard
Todd Michael Greene
Heather R. Hunt
Becky Jesse
Cris Jesse
Carol Keen
Krystine Kercher
Dawn King
Mike Lynch
Melissa Meeks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
Steve Rice
Crista Richey
James Somers
Speculative Faith
Rachel Starr Thomson
Steve Trower
Fred Warren
Elizabeth Williams
Also, remember I'm giving this book away tomorrow (July 22). Be sure to sign up to win this great book!
Teaser Tuesday

TEASER TUESDAYS asks you to:
Grab your current read.Let the book fall open to a random page.
Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.
You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
Please avoid spoilers!!
Sara made a mixture from the herbs Ahaz had given her and added it to a bowl of water. After mixing it together, she then tried to spoon some into Diana's mouth.
Taken from Brides of the Empire by Darlene Mindrup
Monday, July 20, 2009
On Tour with The Enclave by Karen Hancock + Giveaway

It's Christian Science Fiction/Fantasy Blog Tour time again and today through Wednesday, I'll be telling you a little about a new release by Karen Hancock, The Enclave.
From the back of the book:
When Science Tries to Play God, Can One Man Summon the Courage to Stand in Its Way?
When Lacey McHenry accepts a prestigious research fellowship at the world-renowned Kendall-Jakes Longevity Institute, she sees it as a new start on life. But when a disturbing late-night encounter with a bizarre intruder leads to a cover-up by Institute authorities, she soon eralizes all isn't as it seems.
Caught in an elaborate game of deception and seduction, her only ally seems to be the brilliant but absent-minded geneticist, Cameron Reinhardt. A favorite of the Institute's charismatic director, Cameron, too, came to K-J hoping to escape his past. But the more he learns about Lacey's attacker, the more he fears that the past still pursues him.
Not certain they can trust each other, Cameron and Lacey reluctantly work together to uncover the shocking secrets that lurk behind the Institute's respectable facade---secrets that turn out to be bigger, stranger, and far more dangerous than either of them could have imagined.
My Thoughts:
First of all, this is definitely a page turner. I had an extremely hard time putting this one down for any amount of time! The story of New Eden was a bit confusing to me for awhile but give it some time and all the loose ends will be tied together. I loved this book from word one...mainly because the thought of genetic manipulation is one in which I have some very specific thoughts.(Go ahead, ask me, I'm not shy!) I love laboratories and scientists, and all things that this book referred to in terms of scientific discovery. It must be the nurse in me!
There isn't a whole lot I can say about the book without giving a lot away. I do have a habit of

This book earns 5/5 stars from me!
I do hope you will take a few minutes to go and visit others blogs on this tour:
Brandon Barr
Jennifer Bogart
Keanan Brand
Grace Bridges
Melissa Carswell
Valerie Comer
Amy Cruson
CSFF Blog Tour
Stacey Dale
D. G. D. Davidson
Janey DeMeo
Jeff Draper
Emmalyn Edwards
April Erwin
Karina Fabian
Beth Goddard
Todd Michael Greene
Heather R. Hunt
Becky Jesse
Cris Jesse
Carol Keen
Krystine Kercher
Dawn King
Mike Lynch
Melissa Meeks
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Eve Nielsen
John W. Otte
Steve Rice
Crista Richey
James Somers
Speculative Faith
Rachel Starr Thomson
Steve Trower
Fred Warren
Elizabeth Williams
Also, remember I'm giving this book away on the last day of the tour (July 22). Be sure to sign up to win this great book!
Mailbox Monday

Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page each Monday so that other book lovers and bloggers can see and comment on what's in the mailbox. Thanks Marcia for a great way of posting our new (or new to us) books!!
Have you read a book on my list? Please comment on it. It's possible I will use your comment and link back to you when I post my review of a particular book!
Here's what was in my box this week:
To Review:
The Texicans by Nina Vida (Thanks to the author for sending me this copy to review!)
Lizzi and Fredl by William Stanford (Thanks to the author for sending me this review copy!)
Water Signs by Daria DiGiovanni (Thanks to the author for sending me this review copy!)
The Enclave by Karen Hancock (Thanks to Bethany House for the additional copy to giveaway!)
I Can See You by Karen Rose (Thanks to Miriam at Hatchett Book Group)
The Dental Dictionary (required for a student entering dental spelling competition for HOSA)
Sunset Beach by Trish Perry
Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
Dragon in Chains by Daniel Fox
Night World Vol. 1 by L.J. Smith
A Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers (just had to have my own copy of this book it's that good)
A Madness of Angels by Kate Griffin
Between Sundays by Karen Kingsbury
From Log Cabin to White House with Abraham Lincoln by Deborah Hedstrom
Brides of the Empire by Darlene Mindrup (I found out that her daughter and I are very close friends from college!!)
If I Were In Charge of the World by Judith Viorst
The Magic School Bus Flies With the Dinosaurs by Martin Schwabacher
May I Please Have a Cookie? by Jennifer E Morris
Giveaway Books I Have Won:
Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy by Francesca Simon (Thanks to Mary Ann at Great Kids Books for this giveaway!)
What's in your box this week?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Book Blogger Appreciation Week September 14-18
Book Blogger Appreciation was started by Amy Riley of My Friend Amy in an effort to recognize the hard work and contribution of book bloggers to the promotion and preservation of a literate culture actively engaged in discussing books, authors, and a lifestyle of reading.
The first Book Blogger Appreciation was observed in the fall of 2008 and occurs every September. The week spotlights and celebrates the work of active book bloggers through guest posts, awards, giveaways, and community activities. Book Bloggers are encouraged to register their participation for inclusion in a database of book bloggers.
Announcing the Second Annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week September 14-18, 2009Last year over 400 blogs came together to celebrate the art of book blogging during the first ever Book Blogger Appreciation Week! I am so pleased to announce that the second annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week will be taking place September 14-18.
WHO Anyone who blogs about books is invited to participate. In fact, we want everyone who blogs about books and reading to be a part of this week!
WHAT A week where we come together, celebrate the contribution and hard work of book bloggers in promoting a culture of literacy, connecting readers to books and authors, and recogonizing the best among us with the Second Annual BBAW Awards. There will be special guest posts, daily blogging themes, and giveaways.
WHEN September 14-18, 2009
WHERE Here at the new Book Blogger Appreciation Week Blog! (Please note that this year there are three separate blogs and feeds—one for the main event, one for giveaways, and one for awards.)
WHY Because books matter. In a world full of options, the people talking about books pour hard work, time, energy, and money into creating a community around the written word. I, Amy, the founder of Book Blogger Appreciation Week love this community of bloggers and want to shower my appreciation on you!WANT TO PARTICIPATE?
Please help us spread the word about Book Blogger Appreciation Week by posting about it on your blog, stumbling this post, twittering about it, and telling everyone you know that it’s time to have a party and celebrate book bloggers!Please register by filling out the registration form! Registering ensures your inclusion in the BBAW 09 Database of Book Bloggers and enters you into the drawing for the BBAW 09 Grand Prize!