Monday, May 11, 2009

Lean in 13: Day 1

I hope over the next 13 days to chronicle my journey through the Lean in 13 program by Advocare. Today is day 1 and I'm scheduled to end on May 23.

So, I had a good first day. I took my vitamins like I am supposed to, added a Slim, drank 7 bottles of water (not quite the required 1 1/2 gallons...but sheesh!! How can a teacher do this and still teach?!?!?!?), followed the "prescribed" diet plan for the day (with the exception of the muscle gain shake....wasn't hungry so didn't fix it), and then had a KILLER workout on the Wii with Jillian Michels. Man she's brutal!!

Starting out here are my current measurements (I'm being super brave here...but I want to see the differences just like you do!)

Neck: 14.5 inches
R Arm: 13.5 inches
L Arm: 13 inches
Chest: 42 inches
Waist: 41.5 inches
Hips: 45.5 inches
R Thigh: 21 inches
L Thigh: 21 inches
R Calf: 16 inches
L Calf: 16 inches
Weight: 182.8

I hope to see these number decrease in the next 13 days!! I'll keep you posted!!

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