Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Under Jackson Bridge by Susan Specht Oram


Under Jackson Bridge: A thriller (Beyond the Bridge Book 1)Under Jackson Bridge: A thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For starters, check out this beautiful cover!! I love the colors!!

I am becoming more and more a fan of Susan Specht Oram! I've read a few of her books and have not been disappointed yet!

This is a fast paced thriller involving single mom Irena. She's been waiting forever on her ex-husband to make amends on back child support. He can't help but keep buying shoes though! When the two exes end up on a boat together, they both go overboard and only one returns.

This is full of twists and turns, most of which you don't see coming! This held my interest so much that I had a hard time putting it down! I'm looking forward to what's coming next by this author!

View all my reviews

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