Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Teacher by Freida McFadden


The TeacherThe Teacher by Freida McFadden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my first introduction to Freida McFadden and I will definitely be reading more of her books! My sister recommended this one to me and she has a great taste in books!

Addie is your typical teenage girl, going through all the emotions and dealing with bullying girls at school.

Eve is a math teacher who is married to Nate. Eve has a very (un)healthy obsession with shoes.

Nate is an English teacher and is dubbed the "hottest" teacher at school.

Kenzie is a very popular girl at school. She bullies Addie. She's also hanging out with Addie's only friend, Hudson, which means he's not hanging out with Addie either.

This is full of twists and turns. Some of them I saw coming but most I did not. The ending...well let's just say I'll be talking about it for awhile.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I borrowed this audiobook on my Libby app. I'm finally getting to where I enjoy audiobooks while I'm crocheting!

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