Friday, May 17, 2024

Healing Hearts: Gene & Amanda’s Story (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam


Healing Hearts (Echo #0.5)Healing Hearts by C.R. Alam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have really enjoyed this series and I was sad to see it end. I had a few questions about some back stories and then I see this come across my TBR pile and knew I had to complete the story. This is the story of Gene and Amanda. They showed up in other novels in this series but we never really heard their story until now.

They have a rather unique relationship from the beginning, with Gene witnessing Amanda's accident. Then there is a mystery aspect to it, as well as healing all around.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about their meeting and watching their relationship grow. I look forward to more books from this author.

View all my reviews

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