Sunday, May 12, 2024

Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD


Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love a good medical thriller and this one did not disappoint!

Marnie finds one of her clients, a veteran, while on her shift. It's not immediately clear if this is the result of a suicide or something more sinister. Marnie and her co-workers are conducting trials on PTSD with the veterans and now have growing concerns for the rest of the clients.

This is very well done and is the second book in the series. I strongly recommend reading them both but make sure you set aside ample time because you won't want to put this down!

View all my reviews

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