Saturday, May 25, 2024

Dinopotamus Goes to School (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom


Dinopotamus Goes to SchoolDinopotamus Goes to School by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

Dinopotamus just wants to fit in with the kids and go to school and learn. He follows them to school one day and participates in the class learning sessions. Some things he has to do a little differently because he is different, but he learns new things and looks forward to going to school again tomorrow.

This book subtly focuses on celebrating differences in people. Dinopotamus isn't able to do things in the same way the school children do but he adapts and finds a way to still participate. The illustrations show a child in a wheelchair, who also has to learn to adapt.

This is a great way to teach children that sometimes learning in different ways is necessary and that it's also ok! I love how the illustrations look very child-like in terms of the drawings and the crayon colorings.

Another win for this author in my book!

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