Monday, June 3, 2024

Summer of Mud by Rebecca Bischoff


Summer of MudSummer of Mud by Rebecca Bischoff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the story of RC and Scoob, a brother and sister who are doing everything they can to keep their lives together. It's been a rough couple of years with their mom walking out and then their dad dying in a freak accident. RC is so excited when he gets a vehicle for him and Scoob and when he picks her up, life is grand. Scoob has good news too but it's short-lived as RC basically kidnaps her and they head to Montana.

There are so many emotions in this story! One minute, RC is the best big brother ever and the next I want to smack him upside his head. I really felt for Scoob on many different levels as she's trying her hardest but she's only 12 years old and doesn't have the level of maturity to be doing life all on her own. She's resilient though and I admire her strength and courage.

This is a great read and I recommend it! It's geared for middle grades but this "old girl" really enjoyed it.

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