Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Flying at Recess by Lois Wickstrom


Flying at RecessFlying at Recess by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story about Soara, Zanie, and Lulu has some very vibrant illustrations throughout. This is my favorite part of this book.

Soara is a bit unique. She can fly into the sky when she drinks flower nectar. It's cool and all but her friends Zanie and Lulu really miss playing with her at recess. The bell rings and Soara is nowhere to be seen. Can she make it back to her seat before the teacher realizes she's gone?

This wasn't my favorite read by this author, who is a favorite of mine. It was a fun book but just seemed to lack the educational component that I've come to love with this author.

View all my reviews

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