Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Greetings from Asbury Park (Jack & Mariella Book 1) by Luigina Vecchione


Greetings from Asbury Park: A World War Two love storyGreetings from Asbury Park: A World War Two love story by Luigina Vecchione
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

I'm a fan of historical reads, those set in the WWII area, and ones that have a bit of romance. This is the perfect combination!

Jack and Mariella's story tugged at my heart strings just a bit. There story isn't necessarily original but it's their story and it matters. This author did such a great job of weaving the story, that it was as if I was there watching it all play out in person. The emotions are raw and real and you'll find yourself not wanting to put this book down until it's finished!

View all my reviews

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