Sunday, August 4, 2024

The End Of Try Try Again by Kristen Carter, MS


The End of Try Try Again: Overcome Your Weight Loss and Exercise Struggles for GoodThe End of Try Try Again: Overcome Your Weight Loss and Exercise Struggles for Good by Kristen Carter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a rather interesting take, and one that I can get behind, on how to approach weight loss and exercise struggles. For most of my life, I've had a struggle with weight and I viewed it from the standpoint that it was all just in the food I was eating. This author takes a look at, and encourages the reader to also take a look from the inside out. How does motivation influence our choices? There is also a focus on baby steps and not just jumping in with both feet and expecting to thrive. Overall, a good book with some pointers that I plan on implementing myself.

View all my reviews

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