Friday, August 23, 2024

Shadowed Storm: A Shadow Defense Security Thriller Book 4 (Shadow Defense Security Series) by Mavery Ellscott


Shadowed Storm (Shadow Defense Security, #4)Shadowed Storm by Mavery Ellscott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This entire series is a must read!! Each of these books *could* be read as stand alones, but you're cheating yourself if you don't read them all! There is an overarching theme that travels through each book, as well as several of the characters, so I highly recommend it.

There is non-stop action when Alexis discovers that her former research professor is about to unleash a strain of algae that could wipe out the world through the water supply. She will stop at nothing to confront him with this and try to put a stop to his actions. It's not long before Alexis learns that she's being pursued by people trying to stop her from stopping the exposure of this corruption.

Seb is an ex-Navy SEAL that is set out to protect Alexis on her endeavors. He's trying to keep her safe while she's worried about keeping him and his friends safe. They make a great team!

I want to talk about the ending but I won't because I don't want to ruin anything for anyone. However, Ms. Mavery Ellscott, if you are reading this, please get book #5 out ASAP! :)

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