Charlie and Mama Kyna is an excellent book for reading time with your small child or one that could be read independently. Charlie runs away from home after breaking his mama's vase, afraid of the trouble he will be in. Along the way, he visits with his friends Leo the lion and Joe the giraffe. After being lonely and realizing he misses his mommy, Charlie asks his friends to come home with him. Of course, Mama Kyna welcomes Charlie, Leo, and Joe with open arms and lets Charlie know that she loves him above the vase.
I love how this book parallels the story of the Prodigal Son in the Bible. I'm not sure that this was the author's intention, however the stories are very similar. This story reminds us that our parents love us unconditionally and want us to stay close to them. It also reminds us of the value of friendship and having friends to be there to guide you along life's difficult way.
The illustrations are also wonderfully done and add a dimension to the book. I love the choice of the vibrant colors in the depictions of this book!
I highly recommend this book and give it 4 out of 5 stars. You can check out the book trailer here.

I am an Amazon Affiliate and by clicking on the link to the book, I will receive a small percentage of the sale should you make a purchase. This review copy was graciously provided by Dorothy at Pump Up Your Book Promotion and the author.
My review comes up next week on this book! :0 Good to see you read it too! Fun wasnt it?