Monday, July 1, 2024

Trusting Love (Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 1) by Julie Navickas


Trusting Love (Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 1)Trusting Love by Julie Navickas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tess gave up all her dreams to follow the man of her heart, only to find out he didn't really love her after several years of marriage. Tess admits that she wasn't perfect and has a few regrets. Her newspaper publishing business isn't near where she'd like but she's just not finding much happiness these days.

Ryan just got dumped by his business partner and isn't sure how he's going to make ends meet by himself. He goes to place an ad in a local newspaper and life changes very rapidly for him. Can he get past his past with Vicki and ever find happiness again?

This book is full of grief, pain, lost loves, redemption, and healing. I love the chemistry between Ryan and Tess even though things moved way too fast in my opinion. I laughed and cried reading this story!

View all my reviews

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