Friday, July 12, 2024

Raccoon Reunion by Terri Sabol


Raccoon ReunionRaccoon Reunion by Terri Sabol
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Family reunions can be fun, exciting, nerve wracking, trainwrecks sometimes! You just never know what's going to happen or who you might meet. Rocky is going to his first family reunion and considering he's never met his family outside of the city, he's not quite sure what to think. He's a little on the shy side but a situation comes up that he has the perfect solution to fix!

This is a super cute read that can evoke memories of your own family reunions of the past. It's a great way to tell kids about their family and how keeping in touch is important. It also encourages younger children who may not be super confident that it's ok to share a strength, even when they are unfamiliar with those they are around.

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