This week Elaine Marie Cooper takes the crown over at Clash of the Titles. The category was Most Romantic Moment and the excerpt was from her novel The Road to Deer Run. She beat out her competitor Lorna Seilstad with a 54% to 46% vote.
Elaine is a wonderful addition to the COTT hall of fame, her warmth and enthusiasm making her Clash one of the most enjoyable yet. And Elaine is no stranger to the site. She's been a participating reader and sponsor for months. So when she got the news she had been chosen, she responded:
I am shouting for joy that my submission has been accepted! Thank you so much!! I am very honored to be a COTT contender!
Mary began to relax. Daniel’s voice was soothing to her spirit. By the time the brush had reached the crown of her head, she was closing her eyes, the tension falling from her face.
Daniel smoothed her soft locks with his hand. “There. Your hair is lovely.”
What did Elaine think of her Clash? It's clear she's enjoyed every minute, even before knowing the verdict:
I'm so excited for this opportunity, Michelle and again, I so appreciate having my excerpt chosen. Thank you.
And once the Clash was underway:
It's a thrill to be here at COTT!
It's a thrill to have you! Elaine's energy infused the entire two weeks of the Clash with excitement and fun. It ended up being one of the most commented-on clashes, for both contenders.
Readers were just as delighted. A few comments:
- Caught me up in what is behind the attack this woman faced and how can she get over it. Such a compassionate man at her side
- The quiet strengthening of a bond between the characters, apparently in the aftermath of a terrible experience. That's wonderful! But what did it for me? He was brushing her hair. /sigh/
- This sounds wonderful. I love reading about the revolutionary war and I like your cover!

Professional History:
Christian, Wife, Mother, Grammie to triplets, Registered Nurse, Novelist, Blog Writer for Reflections in Hindsight and The Barn Door , Magazine Freelance writer, Newspaper columnist.
Fun Bio:
I have three favorite grandchildren: Jack, Chloe and Luke. :-) I love my family. I drink hot tea all year and LOTS of it (caffeinated of course). I want to rescue all the shelter dogs but my husband says, "NO!" (we already have three dogs...) I cry at Hallmark commercials. I love Hallmark movies. I love to read, write, crochet, cross stitch, watch Jane Austen movies. I love to look at my flower garden (after I have weeded it and when there is no snow!) I hate mushrooms. I dream of living closer to my grandbabies.
Make sure to come take part in our next Clash on Monday: Emotional Intensity from our waiting-to-be-published authors.
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