Monday, June 28, 2010

Review: Against Medical Advice by James Patterson and Hal Friedman

Against Medical Advice: A True Story Against Medical Advice: A True Story by James Patterson

This harrowing tale of Cory Friedman's life is one that I recommend all to read. The story, told from Cory's perspective, deals with his life with Tourette's and OCD. I cannot imagine how this life must have been for this young man! Knowing at a young age that he was different, it's not long before Cory starts ticing and doing abnormal things that cause him and his family embarrassment.

This should be a must read for ALL teachers and parents. The Friedman's have really demonstrated the true unconditional love of a parent. They never turned their backs on Cory and fully supported him through his trials. They stuck by him when most people would have run or placed him in a home. I'm absolutely detested at the teachers in this story who had no faith in Cory or his abilities. Such cold hearted people to be that way! I'm a high school teacher and have had at least 3 students with Tourette's come through my program. They are amongst the smartest people I know, they just need a little extra time.

I sincerely hope that this was truly Cory's story, as we are told it is and that James Patterson merely served as an editor more than a writer of this story. Don't get me wrong, I love James Patterson's work but this really needs to be Cory's story...his words, thoughts, and ideas. I would also hope that Mr. Patterson would donate a portion of the proceeds of this book to the Tourette's Foundation, but I did not see any sort of clause as such in the book.

When you think your life is bad, pick up a book such as this and see that some people are literally living a nightmare and can't do anything about it. Kudos to the Friedman's (including Jessie) for standing by Cory's side and never giving up. They are truly heroes in my book!

View all my reviews >>

I purchased this book awhile back.

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