My rating: 3 of 5 stars
3.75 stars
Julie never wanted to be a mom but she technically became a biological mom when she donated her eggs to her brother and his wife. Sadly, Brian and Esther were killed in a car accident when their twins, Lucy and Mikey, were just four years old. Brian and Esther left guardianship of these precious souls to Aunt Julie.
Julie's whole family questions her ability to raise these children from day 1. They offer unsolicited advice and some even go so far as to flat out tell her she has no business doing this. A knock on her door could change everything for this new little family.
Brian and Esther also used a sperm donor to create these children. Grant is the knock at the door and Julie can't be sure of his immediate motives. Is he her to fight her for custody or is he sincere in what he says about "doing his part" with Lucy and Mikey?
I found this book a bit difficult to get into. As the story went on, it did pick up a bit but by then I was losing so much of the real story that it fell kinda flat for me. I was hoping for so much more based on the synopsis. For a good bit, it just felt like the same thing was being repeated, especially in regards to the behavior of the kids. I understand that a buildup had to occur, but this felt a little dragged out. I did appreciate the overall story, I just wish it would have picked up faster.
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