Here's a few of the books that I can hardly wait to read! If you've read any of them, what did you think? Do you see any on here that you want to read?
I'm looking forward to everyone of these books, plus a few more!! Happy Reading!
A place where I blog the goings on in my own little corner of the world. I like to talk about the books I read, the classes I teach, the homeschooling I plan on doing, weight loss strategies, among other things.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
COTT: Winner's Article
guest post by April W Gardner
Clash of the Titles is proud to announce that author Marianne Evans with her novel, Hearts Crossing, is our newest champion!
Daveny Montgomery cares deeply about her relationship with God, and the community of Woodland. Lately though, she's been in a rut, longing for something to reignite her spiritual enthusiasm.
A beautification project at Woodland seems the answer for them both. Daveny spearheads the effort and Collin assists, but only with the renovations, and only because he wants to know Daveny better. Despite his deepening feelings for her, even stepping into the common areas of the church stirs tension and anger.
Can Daveny trust in Collin’s fledgling return to faith? And can Collin ever accept the fact that while he turned his back on God, God never turned his back on him?
Marianne competed with the
Adam and Andrea Graham, and their YA book Tales of the Dim Knight.
It has been an honor to "clash" with such a worthy opponent! :-) I love Clash of the Titles.
Adam and Andrea Graham, and their YA book Tales of the Dim Knight.
What readers said:
- I'm amazed--can't wait to read more!
- These books have very different plots and backgrounds, but both sound as though they are great books. Congratulations to the writers.
- Both were so well done and packed with emotion. This just keeps getting harder and harder!
A glimpse at Marianne's winning excerpt:
Officer Lance Edwards banged hard on the front door of the home. A cacophony of sound increased. “Saint Clair Shores PD. Open up.” Seated in the squad car, Collin Edwards watched his brother cast a quick glance back at the squad car then up and down the street.
Lance trotted back to the vehicle, opening the door. “I'm calling for back up.” He was laser focused. “Stay where you are, and keep alert.”
“Yeah. Got it.” Collin frowned as Lance barked into the car radio and activated the roof top light bars. He left the car to return to the front door.
This time the door was yanked open. A hulking, angry man filled the entrance.
“Step outside, sir.” Lance rested a hand against the butt of his gun.
About her Clash Marianne said:
Next week, April Gardner hosts a special "Author's Choice" Clash. Anything goes with this one--authors chose their favorite excerpts from their own works to submit, and we narrowed it down to the top two for readers to vote on. Spread the word!
-April W Gardner is the Sr. Editor at Clash of the Titles
and author of Wounded Spirits.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
On My Way to a Healthier Lifestyle
For quite some time now, I've really neglected my physical health. I have always struggled to maintain a figure and a couple of years ago, I sought out a nutritionist. She's fantastic and at one point, I had lost almost 30 pounds with her. I looked great and felt so much better...until I got sick. More accurately, I became severely stressed out with my job and life in general. It would take them 6 months, multiple tests, and several specialists to diagnose me with "STRESS". During that time, I gained all my weight back and then some.
I have a doctor's appointment coming up at the end of this week. A couple of weeks ago, "just for fun", I weighed myself. Never in my life have I weighed this much. I decided it was time to do something about it! I went back to my nutritionist and she gave me a VERY specific diet, tailored to my needs. I ate the same thing every day last week while telling myself that I would eat dirt if it would help me lose weight. I lost 5 pounds last week. I also started working out again. I have two left feet but I LOVE to Zumba!! I also enjoy the challenge that Jillian Michael's gives me! . I feel so much better about myself and look forward to reaching my ultimate lose 50 pounds by May 2012. I would post the specific date if I knew what day my graduation from my EdS program was, but I have not heard the official date yet.
One thing I have felt that I can't live without is pasta. I LOVE PASTA! I could eat it for every meal but my nutritionist says I can't have it until I lose another 10 pounds. However, she mentioned I could have spaghetti squash. Hmmm....I've never had that, but OK! If it works and curbs my craving, I'll try it. So, tonight, I made some spaghetti squash with homemade sauce (no added salt tomato paste, tri colored bell peppers, mushrooms, garlic powder, onion powder, crushed red pepper, and some basil). It was fantastic! It worked! It tastes just like spaghetti! I wanted to share the pictures with you as I also had some other veggies. In total, this meal was 415 calories after adding in the 4 oz of grilled chicken!
What have you done to be healthy lately?
I have a doctor's appointment coming up at the end of this week. A couple of weeks ago, "just for fun", I weighed myself. Never in my life have I weighed this much. I decided it was time to do something about it! I went back to my nutritionist and she gave me a VERY specific diet, tailored to my needs. I ate the same thing every day last week while telling myself that I would eat dirt if it would help me lose weight. I lost 5 pounds last week. I also started working out again. I have two left feet but I LOVE to Zumba!! I also enjoy the challenge that Jillian Michael's gives me! . I feel so much better about myself and look forward to reaching my ultimate lose 50 pounds by May 2012. I would post the specific date if I knew what day my graduation from my EdS program was, but I have not heard the official date yet.
One thing I have felt that I can't live without is pasta. I LOVE PASTA! I could eat it for every meal but my nutritionist says I can't have it until I lose another 10 pounds. However, she mentioned I could have spaghetti squash. Hmmm....I've never had that, but OK! If it works and curbs my craving, I'll try it. So, tonight, I made some spaghetti squash with homemade sauce (no added salt tomato paste, tri colored bell peppers, mushrooms, garlic powder, onion powder, crushed red pepper, and some basil). It was fantastic! It worked! It tastes just like spaghetti! I wanted to share the pictures with you as I also had some other veggies. In total, this meal was 415 calories after adding in the 4 oz of grilled chicken!
What have you done to be healthy lately?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Review: Fire in a Canebrake-The Last Mass Lynching in America by Laura Wexler

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
July 25, 1946, is a day that forever changed the lives and history of Walton County, Georgia. I wasn't even a glimmer in my parents' eyes on this day as they would not be born until 1951 and 1955. However, I feel a connection to this event in a small way.
On this fateful day, I'm sure that Roger and Dorothy Malcom and George and Mae Murray Dorsey had no idea what would happen to them as they climbed into Loy Harrison's car to travel back to the farm from the jailhouse in Monroe. Loy had just bailed Roger out of jail after being cleared of murder charges when Barrett Hester recovered from his stab wound. Roger would have to work off the bail paid by Loy by working on his farm. Totally acceptable to him! Needless to say, they never made it past Moore's Ford Bridge before being ambushed. The Malcom's and the Dorsey's lives would end at the bridge when they were lynched. The reason? No one really knows for sure but one could surmise it's because they were black. Roger had attempted to murder Mr. Hester over comments made concerning him and some white girls.
I am drawn to this story because I now teach school in Walton County. I have always wondered what was causing the racial tension I was witnessing. It was more than I've seen in other places, such as my hometown. I read this book on the recommendation of a teacher friend, Susan, who stated that "this should be a required read for anyone living in the south not raised here."
I was born in a small town in Illinois in the 1970's. I have seen KKK cross burnings and witnessed first hand the hatred that my community had for people of different races. In 1994, while working at Dairy Queen, we had a black family travel through town looking for a meal. When my co-workers saw them get out of the car, they started turning lights off and moving away from the public eye in the hopes that this family would "get the hint" that they were not welcome. My parents taught me well to respect people of all races, colors, sizes, etc and I took the high road that day to make sure this family felt welcome. I waited on them, cooked their food, and delivered it to their table while my co-workers cowered in the back room of the store in fear of what these people might do. We didn't have any other customers while they were there either, which I could not understand. Looking back now, I realize just how racist my hometown was, and still is. It has "grown up" a little and now it is more diverse but when I graduated high school in 1995, I had never been to school with a person of another race. I left that small town in the fall of 1995 and moved to Arkansas to go to nursing school. All of a sudden, I was surrounded by people of all different cultures, races, and backgrounds. I'm thankful my parents taught me so well. They said to treat others as I wanted to be treated, which is what I did. Many of my friends now do not look like me at all and they have taught me a lot about their various backgrounds and beliefs.
My students are amazed to hear my story and how recent I experienced some of these things. I've lived in a neighboring GA county for 10 years now after leaving Arkansas. Some of those students are ancestors to the people involved in the lynching of 1946. I wish the details of the lynching weren't such a mystery. Maybe the people of Walton County could have more trust in each other if they only knew. I fear that if this mystery is ever solved, however, that tensions will heighten once more. In recent years, some have come forward with information. However, the FBI has found it to be conflicting with testimony of 1946. Are people coming forward with information for the fame and glory or do they finally want to put this story to rest?
I can't say that I "enjoyed" this book because it's not meant to be enjoyed. I found myself totally engrossed in the twists and turns, wanting to drive the routes mentioned (I only know where a few are and have not ever been to Moore's Ford Bridge. I would like to go just to see it, to get a glimpse of what it might have been like that day for those involved). I do pass the old cotton mill and some of the lesser mentioned places and doing so today gave it a rather nostalgic feel. Do I feel different about Walton County knowing all of this? Yes and no. I have a greater appreciation for the events that happened. I have a better understanding of some of my students and their families. I have a desire for people to find a more cohesive sense of community within themselves and to be more accepting of others, like them or not. My personal feelings of the people in the community have not changed just from reading this book.
One thing about this book that really stood out, literally, from the beginning, is the use of the picture in the front of this book. It is of the lynching victims in the funeral home. There were no fancy caskets or mounds of flowers everywhere. It is a picture of the mourners looking over the bodies of the Dorsey's and Murray's. It's graphic. It's sad. It's sickening. It shows so much though in the ways that blacks were treated differently. No way would the picture have even been taken had it been four white victims.
I also did not know what "canebrake" looked like or even it's purpose. However, the title implies a "fire in a canebrake." Witnesses would say that this is what the lynching sounded like. To see what canebrake looks like (for those of you like me who simply didn't know), here is a picture:
To date, many federal and state laws have been passed in regards to Constitutional Rights, especially after this event. However, there is no law prohibiting lynching, which I think is a shame. There were other lynchings to take place after this one, but none since this one have been this large. In 1946, this made national news that even involved then President Truman issuing orders to the FBI during the investigation. People still flock to the site of Moore's Ford in an attempt to find evidence that might bring this story to rest. They still interview people about the events, much like Laura Wexler did in writing this story. Many of the people there in 1946 have since passed on and left their stories and legacies to family members, who may or may not know what to do with the information. The fear of passing along information is still there so this mystery may never see itself resolved. I only hope the efforts by the Moore's Ford Memorial Committee have brought about some peace to the communities in Walton County.
To read the first two chapters and to see pictures of the area (no graphic pictures...just those of tombstones and of the original site plus new bridge) please visit the author's website at
I purchased this book from on the recommendation of Susan.
View all my reviews
Friday, July 22, 2011
COTT Article of the Week
Guest post by Michelle Massaro, Asst Editor for Clash of the Titles
This week COTT is focusing on gut-wrenching passages, which are some of my favorites! So it got me wondering, why do we so enjoy reading those scenes that tear our hearts out and end with an empty box of tissues?
Most of us already know about stress hormones and how they build up in the body, causing all kinds of problems. According to one article I read, emotionally-induced tears contain protein-based hormones as well as leucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller. So "a good cry" flushes all those stress hormones out of our system.
Well, the science is all fine and dandy but I still wanted some experiental answers. Here's what some of you had to say:
Diana Prusik: Tears are cathartic. There's nothing like a good cry during a touching scene . . except for a good cry followed by laughter. (Think Sally Fields' stellar graveside scene in Steel Magnolias. Poor Ouiser!) Something about reading or watching a scene like that feels emotionally cleansing.
Brian Heffron agrees: Catharsis
Barbara Robinson: Because a book has to touch us emotionally or it's nothing to us. It must evoke reader emotions. If I don't feel anything when I read a book, the book is not any good, and I wouldn't finish it.
Christine Lindsay: I think we need to cry as much as we need to smile and laugh. Although when we cry, it's because we are always reaching out for hope. That this sad situation will not remain, but that the sun will shine again. It's about hope.
Jessica Patch: God designed us to connect with others. The bible says rejoice when others rejoice and weep when others weep. We're built to care. We want to. Real life or fiction, we're drawn to it and good writing makes us feel like it's real even when it's not.
Those are some great answers! What about you? Why do you love those gut-wrenching scenes? (Or if not, why don't you care for them?)
~ Connect with Michelle at her blog, Adventures In Writing.
This week COTT is focusing on gut-wrenching passages, which are some of my favorites! So it got me wondering, why do we so enjoy reading those scenes that tear our hearts out and end with an empty box of tissues?
Most of us already know about stress hormones and how they build up in the body, causing all kinds of problems. According to one article I read, emotionally-induced tears contain protein-based hormones as well as leucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller. So "a good cry" flushes all those stress hormones out of our system.
Well, the science is all fine and dandy but I still wanted some experiental answers. Here's what some of you had to say:
Diana Prusik: Tears are cathartic. There's nothing like a good cry during a touching scene . . except for a good cry followed by laughter. (Think Sally Fields' stellar graveside scene in Steel Magnolias. Poor Ouiser!) Something about reading or watching a scene like that feels emotionally cleansing.
Brian Heffron agrees: Catharsis
Barbara Robinson: Because a book has to touch us emotionally or it's nothing to us. It must evoke reader emotions. If I don't feel anything when I read a book, the book is not any good, and I wouldn't finish it.
Christine Lindsay: I think we need to cry as much as we need to smile and laugh. Although when we cry, it's because we are always reaching out for hope. That this sad situation will not remain, but that the sun will shine again. It's about hope.
Jessica Patch: God designed us to connect with others. The bible says rejoice when others rejoice and weep when others weep. We're built to care. We want to. Real life or fiction, we're drawn to it and good writing makes us feel like it's real even when it's not.
Those are some great answers! What about you? Why do you love those gut-wrenching scenes? (Or if not, why don't you care for them?)
~ Connect with Michelle at her blog, Adventures In Writing.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Review Code Name: Prince

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
What woman doesn't swoon for a man in uniform? Meagan is taken aback when she sees Prince Nicholas lying in her daughter's bed. Just how did she get involved in this kidnapping tangle with her brother? Meagan didn't know about that, but she was quickly falling in love with her prisoner. Having read the tabloids, she knew Prince Nicholas was married and had a daughter. He also had a cousin who could serve as his double when needed. Was this really Prince Nicholas?
This is a very fast paced book (with 184 pages) that keeps you wrapped up in the action of what is going on. I was more entangled in the mystery behind it all more so than the romance in this one. This is a "sweet" romance novel where you want to hit both of them over the head for their stupidity! It's not as lusty as others I've read from this series either. I was drawn to the whole royal way of life in this one too!
View all my reviews
Monday, July 18, 2011
Review: Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ellen and Andy are a newlywed couple loving life in the Big Apple. Ellen's best friend, Margo, is also her sister-in-law. Ellen and Margo are inseparable, even though Ellen's lifestyle is very different from the upscale one of her husband and sister-in-law/BFF. That is until one fateful day while Ellen is sitting in a diner and HE walks by. Is it really him? After all these years?
When Ellen's ex offers her the job of a lifetime, can she pass it up? What will her family think if she takes this job and then they find out about it? Decisions, decisions, decisions...
I have enjoyed all of Emily Giffin's books so far and this one does not disappoint either! This book focuses on entirely different characters than her previous three (some of them have overlapping characters but only for brief moments). These are stand-alone reads but it's also fun to read them "in order" to see the author's progression in her skills. I look forward to reading Heart of the Matter as this was a common phrase throughout this book. I would love to see the author write a book connecting all of her characters together too!
For those who regularly read my blog, I will warn you that this book does have strong language and very adult themes. I do enjoy reading all genres of work and wanted to put that out there for those of you who regularly read what I write in case this one isn't for you.
Happy Reading!
View all my reviews
COTT: Ellie Gustafson and The Stones
This week, COTT's Book Club is taking a further look at The Stones by Eleanor (Ellie) Gustafson!
Much of it is narrative, but when Ellie pens dialog, she does it with expertise. The things her characters say either crack me up or sober me with their depth of wisdom. Ellie is indeed a master at crafting compelling dialog.
The event that stood out to me the most during the second quarter of the book was David’s move from Hebron to Jebus (which he renamed Jerusalem). I’m not sure if I just glanced over it every time I’ve read it in Scripture or if there just isn’t much there, but it was practically new information for me.
Ellie wrote a nail-biting account of the take-over of the city from the Jebusites. I never thought about who occupied Jerusalem before David or for how long. For those who haven’t read the book, the Jebusites had control of the city for hundreds of years before David decided he wanted it for his capitol. But that’s all I’m saying! You’ll have to buy the book if you want to find out exactly how David entered the highly-defended and, up to this point, unconquerable fortress.
Before the battle David addressed the troops. This is what he said:
“Look up, all of you, to the hill above Jebus. Mt. Moriah, Abraham brought his son Isaac from Beersheba to this place to sacrifice him in obedience to God’s command. He stood right where you’re standing now. He looked up in dread, yet set food to the mountain, confident that God—somehow, in some way—would provide. And he did. As Abraham raised his knife, the angel of the Lord stayed his hand. So shaken he could hardly stand, Abraham looked around, and there in the thicket, caught by its horns, was the sacrifice God provided in place of Isaac.
“Abraham called the mountain, ‘The Lord will provide,’” David continued, “and we’ll hold to that word today. We’ll climb Mt. Moriah, and there Yaweh will provide. Here, in the name of the Lord, we claim that miserable shelf called Zion. It shall be cleansed of Jebusites and be forever known as Jerusalem, Mt. Zion, the Holy City of God.”
That passage deeply impacted me. Having grown up on the Thoene’s work, I’ve always been fascinated with Jerusalem, but Ellie took me back to the beginning and drew a thread through the centuries, through David and to Christ. Although you didn’t mention it, the reader easily draws the thread the rest of the way through to present-day and the ongoing struggle for God’s Holy City.
Our God is an awesome God! History is already written and he sees the big picture with perfect clarity. We can only hope to catch a glimpse.
Head over to COTT's Bookclub Blog, or join us on Facebook, to hear what the author has to say!
Have any of you visited Israel? If so, share your favorite part of the experience. If not, tell us the first place you’d want to see if you were told you’d be flying there tomorrow.
I hope you'll join us over at our Book Club headquarters for more conversations on this wonderful book And if you'd like to read along with us next month, make sure you pick up your copy of COTT champ, Delia Latham's, Destiny's Dream. We'll be discussing this fun romance in August!
~April Gardner is the Senior Editor of COTT and author of Wounded Spirits.
Much of it is narrative, but when Ellie pens dialog, she does it with expertise. The things her characters say either crack me up or sober me with their depth of wisdom. Ellie is indeed a master at crafting compelling dialog.
The event that stood out to me the most during the second quarter of the book was David’s move from Hebron to Jebus (which he renamed Jerusalem). I’m not sure if I just glanced over it every time I’ve read it in Scripture or if there just isn’t much there, but it was practically new information for me.
Ellie wrote a nail-biting account of the take-over of the city from the Jebusites. I never thought about who occupied Jerusalem before David or for how long. For those who haven’t read the book, the Jebusites had control of the city for hundreds of years before David decided he wanted it for his capitol. But that’s all I’m saying! You’ll have to buy the book if you want to find out exactly how David entered the highly-defended and, up to this point, unconquerable fortress.
Before the battle David addressed the troops. This is what he said:
“Look up, all of you, to the hill above Jebus. Mt. Moriah, Abraham brought his son Isaac from Beersheba to this place to sacrifice him in obedience to God’s command. He stood right where you’re standing now. He looked up in dread, yet set food to the mountain, confident that God—somehow, in some way—would provide. And he did. As Abraham raised his knife, the angel of the Lord stayed his hand. So shaken he could hardly stand, Abraham looked around, and there in the thicket, caught by its horns, was the sacrifice God provided in place of Isaac.
“Abraham called the mountain, ‘The Lord will provide,’” David continued, “and we’ll hold to that word today. We’ll climb Mt. Moriah, and there Yaweh will provide. Here, in the name of the Lord, we claim that miserable shelf called Zion. It shall be cleansed of Jebusites and be forever known as Jerusalem, Mt. Zion, the Holy City of God.”
That passage deeply impacted me. Having grown up on the Thoene’s work, I’ve always been fascinated with Jerusalem, but Ellie took me back to the beginning and drew a thread through the centuries, through David and to Christ. Although you didn’t mention it, the reader easily draws the thread the rest of the way through to present-day and the ongoing struggle for God’s Holy City.
Our God is an awesome God! History is already written and he sees the big picture with perfect clarity. We can only hope to catch a glimpse.
Head over to COTT's Bookclub Blog, or join us on Facebook, to hear what the author has to say!
Have any of you visited Israel? If so, share your favorite part of the experience. If not, tell us the first place you’d want to see if you were told you’d be flying there tomorrow.
I hope you'll join us over at our Book Club headquarters for more conversations on this wonderful book And if you'd like to read along with us next month, make sure you pick up your copy of COTT champ, Delia Latham's, Destiny's Dream. We'll be discussing this fun romance in August!
~April Gardner is the Senior Editor of COTT and author of Wounded Spirits.
Monday, July 11, 2011
COTT: Guest Post
-guest post by COTT Senior Editor, April W Gardner
Since we’re in the middle of Clash of the Title’s two week summer break, we thought we’d introduce you to the book club COTT has recently begun. All this month we’re delving into The Stones written by COTT champ, Eleanor (Ellie) Gustafson.
The Stones is a historical/biblical novel based on the life of Kind David. Most of us know how the story ends (wink), but Ellie presents the details in such a fresh and unique way that I find it’s almost as if I’ve never read the story before. It’s hefty reading, but I’m really enjoying it. Ellie’s prose is lovely and almost poetic. It’s enchanting. And the historical detail simply fascinates me. Actually, I’m quite in awe of all the research she’d done.
My favorite so far in the book is Abigail, David’s third wife. She was always one of my favorite female Bible characters. I think it’s rather romantic that saving her retched husband’s life earned her the (future) king’s love. Her dead husband was barely cold in the ground before David took her to wife. Talk about making an impression!
Quite the colorful character in The Stones, she’s strong-willed (which wasn’t a gift in those days) and usually the cause for tension. But it’s generally because she’s fighting for what she believes God requires of them. David’s standing before God and the people is more important to her than her staying in his good graces, which she doesn’t lose for long anyway. David loves her too much.
Care for a tiny peek into her personality? Here she is chiding David for bringing booty home from the Amalekites he’s just raided and killed.
She says, “Did you consult Abiathar and the Urim and thummin to find out if you’re the man to do it? It seems to me you’re tearing off this ‘vengeance’ thing, when it’s the Lord’s business to—”
“Enough, woman! You have a find hand on my faults and don’t hesitate to say so.” (great line, by the way) The flare died quickly, and David sighed as he wrung a cloth and wiped his dusty face. “Abigail, Abigail, you don’t understand. We have our reasons. We—”
“You mean Joab has his reasons. This was his idea, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, and it’s a good idea.” His voice grew irritable again. “We must get Achish to trust us. Once he thinks we’ve made ourselves odious to the Israelites… And besides, I thought you’d like clothes and jewelry.”
“They’re soaked in blood. I’d never wear them” (Wow. A scene with this feisty gal is always interesting!)
Historical/biblical fiction is my all time favorite genre, but I can’t help but wonder the entire time that I’m reading--Which parts are real and which are made up? In a book club setting, I get to ask the author questions as I’m reading. How fun is that?!
If you’ve ever had a question about the life of David, Ellie’s your gal. She will be available all month long at the Clash of the Titles Book Club to chat with her readers and anyone who would like to meet another of our amazing COTT Champs!
Since we’re in the middle of Clash of the Title’s two week summer break, we thought we’d introduce you to the book club COTT has recently begun. All this month we’re delving into The Stones written by COTT champ, Eleanor (Ellie) Gustafson.
The Stones is a historical/biblical novel based on the life of Kind David. Most of us know how the story ends (wink), but Ellie presents the details in such a fresh and unique way that I find it’s almost as if I’ve never read the story before. It’s hefty reading, but I’m really enjoying it. Ellie’s prose is lovely and almost poetic. It’s enchanting. And the historical detail simply fascinates me. Actually, I’m quite in awe of all the research she’d done.
My favorite so far in the book is Abigail, David’s third wife. She was always one of my favorite female Bible characters. I think it’s rather romantic that saving her retched husband’s life earned her the (future) king’s love. Her dead husband was barely cold in the ground before David took her to wife. Talk about making an impression!
Quite the colorful character in The Stones, she’s strong-willed (which wasn’t a gift in those days) and usually the cause for tension. But it’s generally because she’s fighting for what she believes God requires of them. David’s standing before God and the people is more important to her than her staying in his good graces, which she doesn’t lose for long anyway. David loves her too much.
Care for a tiny peek into her personality? Here she is chiding David for bringing booty home from the Amalekites he’s just raided and killed.
She says, “Did you consult Abiathar and the Urim and thummin to find out if you’re the man to do it? It seems to me you’re tearing off this ‘vengeance’ thing, when it’s the Lord’s business to—”
“Enough, woman! You have a find hand on my faults and don’t hesitate to say so.” (great line, by the way) The flare died quickly, and David sighed as he wrung a cloth and wiped his dusty face. “Abigail, Abigail, you don’t understand. We have our reasons. We—”
“You mean Joab has his reasons. This was his idea, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, and it’s a good idea.” His voice grew irritable again. “We must get Achish to trust us. Once he thinks we’ve made ourselves odious to the Israelites… And besides, I thought you’d like clothes and jewelry.”
“They’re soaked in blood. I’d never wear them” (Wow. A scene with this feisty gal is always interesting!)
Historical/biblical fiction is my all time favorite genre, but I can’t help but wonder the entire time that I’m reading--Which parts are real and which are made up? In a book club setting, I get to ask the author questions as I’m reading. How fun is that?!
If you’ve ever had a question about the life of David, Ellie’s your gal. She will be available all month long at the Clash of the Titles Book Club to chat with her readers and anyone who would like to meet another of our amazing COTT Champs!
Clash of the Titles, is on the search for a new staff member! If you are a writer who’s looking to gain exposure, connect with other authors, add bullets to you professional bio, and have a blast doing it, we would love to chat with you to see if we are a good fit. Please contact us for more details: contactcott(at)gmail(dot)com.
--April W Gardner is the award-winning author of Wounded Spirits.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Review: Baby Proof by Emily Giffin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
How important is it to know your future spouse before saying "I Do"? Is it ok to change after those vows? Baby Proof focuses on Ben and Claudia. They are happily married and have no plans to have children. All of their friends are supportive but don't necessarily understand their choice. However, everything changes when an announcement is made. Claudia can no longer stand the pressure and chooses to leave Ben. She doesn't like to see him with other women (well, one woman in particular) but it's ok for her to date around. Can they both continue to live this way?
This book is in a series but can also be read as a standalone. There is only one character (Ethan) from previous novels that makes an appearance in this one.
I do believe this one to be my favorite of them all so far!
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Monday, July 4, 2011
Review: Something Blue by Emily Giffin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Darcy is still reeling over the fact that her life is upside down (I don't want to be specific in case you haven't read Something Borrowed yet. She is definitely looking for a way to get back at those who have caused her so much pain. She's dealing with her newest life situation when another bombshell is dropped on her. How much more can Darcy take? She moves to England to live with Ethan and learns more about herself than she can ever imagine. Will Darcy ever change and be able to forgive others? Will she ever get past her own self-absorbed lifestyle?
It's been a couple of years since I read Something Borrowed but it easily came back to me during the first few chapters of this book. I have not seen the movie yet, but I have heard it's great and that there is talk of a movie for this book! This is a great chick-lit read that takes a few short hours.
Readers of my blog may want to know that this is a contemporary chick lit book that does include some strong language and intimate scenes. I do not recommend this book for those under the age of eighteen.
Now, onto Baby Proof!
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COTT Victory for Joanne Sher
Guest post by Michelle Massaro
The winner of this week's COTT battle is....
“Don't you have to leave now?” Mama took a sip of water and looked out at the sun. Rivka's eyes followed her mother's. The colors of the sunrise were already beginning to fade into the blue of the Israeli sky.
Rivka nodded. “Good bye, Mama. Off to the gardens.” She half-jogged toward the next part of her morning ritual.
Rivka’s sandals flip-flopped on the dirt, her steps brisk and light. The scents of the lilies of the valley and hyacinths slowed her pace the closer she got. The grass before her, still touched with the last of the morning’s dew, slapped against the sides of her sandals. She stopped, closed her eyes, and took in a long, slow breath.
Aroma fit for royalty.
read the full excerpt, and that of her most worthy competitor, Mary Hall, here.
Some reader comments:
I felt that excerpt 'A' was really good in that the little girl was so a part of the description.
I want to go walk in the garden!
I felt the soil in my hands, and smelled the fragrance of flowers in the air. Lovely!
I could see and smell the flowers
The winner of this week's COTT battle is....
Joanne Sher!
Joanne joins the notable COTT Conquerors family as a pre-published author. Her writing passion is Biblical and historical fiction—paving rough roads with God’s presence. Joanne says her dream is to be able to submit to Clash of The Titles as a published author. We are confident that day will come.
Find her at
Her winning excerpt came from her manuscript entitled Handmaiden to a Princess:“Don't you have to leave now?” Mama took a sip of water and looked out at the sun. Rivka's eyes followed her mother's. The colors of the sunrise were already beginning to fade into the blue of the Israeli sky.
Rivka nodded. “Good bye, Mama. Off to the gardens.” She half-jogged toward the next part of her morning ritual.
Rivka’s sandals flip-flopped on the dirt, her steps brisk and light. The scents of the lilies of the valley and hyacinths slowed her pace the closer she got. The grass before her, still touched with the last of the morning’s dew, slapped against the sides of her sandals. She stopped, closed her eyes, and took in a long, slow breath.
Aroma fit for royalty.
read the full excerpt, and that of her most worthy competitor, Mary Hall, here.
Some reader comments:
I felt that excerpt 'A' was really good in that the little girl was so a part of the description.
I want to go walk in the garden!
I felt the soil in my hands, and smelled the fragrance of flowers in the air. Lovely!
I could see and smell the flowers
About her win, Joanne said:
WOW - I'm SO excited! What an honor. And what a FUN clash it's been.
Like the other members of the COTT family of authors, Joanne and Mary both praised each other's work and exuded a Christ-like spirit throughout the competition.
Get to know Joanne through her interview with her COTT hostess, Gail Pallotta here.
WOW - I'm SO excited! What an honor. And what a FUN clash it's been.
Like the other members of the COTT family of authors, Joanne and Mary both praised each other's work and exuded a Christ-like spirit throughout the competition.
Get to know Joanne through her interview with her COTT hostess, Gail Pallotta here.
Congratulations, Joanne! We can't wait to see you in print!
Join us at COTT for our next Clash. Vote for your favorite and be entered to win a free book. Have a book or theme suggestion? Send it in! Have you written the next blockbuster hit? Send us your 500 best words. We want to hear from you.
bio: Michelle Massaro is Assistant Editor for the literary website Clash of the Titles. She has written for The Write Conversation, Pentalk, COF Ministries, and Romantic Times. She and her husband of 16 years live in sunny So Cal with their four children. Above all, she is a follower of Christ Jesus, unashamed to stand upon the Word of God from beginning to end. Connect with her on her blog, twitter @MLMassaro, and Facebook.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Review: How Huge the Night by Heather Munn and Lydia Munn

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Normally, I really enjoy books centered around the Holocaust. For some reason, this one just didn't do it for me. Maybe it's because I didn't have the time to sit and really read it through once I got started, I don't know. I really wanted to like this one! There were so many parts that confused me and I jumbled all the characters up. I don't like going for long periods and stretching a book out but alas, grad school took priority. I also do not tend to restart books once I've already started. THAT being said, you may really enjoy this book. Many others have!
In this book you meet many interesting characters: Julian, Benjamin, Pierre, Henry, Niko, and Gustav to name a few. I really enjoyed the story of Niko and Gustav! There's seemed much more adventurous to me, while very scary at times too! Julian stuck me as wimpy and needy and Benjamin was extremely homesick. I didn't "get" these characters like I wanted. I do appreciate what happens with Henry in the end. I hope to hear more about that in the sequel (yes, I do want to read it even if this one didn't grab me!).
I cannot even begin to imagine how living during this time must have been for Jews. The nights probably did seem huge, dark, and never ending.
I'll be passing this book along in a future giveaway so be sure to check back often! I do think others will be able to have a finer appreciation of this book so please do not just take my word for it.
Many thanks to Kregel Publishing for providing the book in return for my honest review.
View all my reviews
Friday, July 1, 2011
A Huge Announcement!!!
This will be a sticky post until the contest ends! Don't hesitate to read other reviews under this post!
Do you need some books for your summer reading goals? I am overwhelmed by books and I would love for nothing more than to pass them along to you! These have all been read by me (and possibly others too). I simply no longer have the space to keep all the books I love so much! Feel free to enter as many times as you wish before July 1! Questions? Comment or email me! Thanks and good luck!
Do you need some books for your summer reading goals? I am overwhelmed by books and I would love for nothing more than to pass them along to you! These have all been read by me (and possibly others too). I simply no longer have the space to keep all the books I love so much! Feel free to enter as many times as you wish before July 1! Questions? Comment or email me! Thanks and good luck!
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