I'll be back again tomorrow with more information on this wonderful work of art!
Please take a moment to visit with these other bloggers on the Kidz Book Buzz tour happening this week, Monday through Wednesday!
SMS Book Reviews, Never Jam Today, SmallWorld Reads, Our Big Earth Media Co., Whispers of Dawn, Cafe of Dreams, The Hungry Readers, My Own Little Corner of the World, Dolce Bellezza, KidzBookBuzz.com
Thank you to the author and publisher for providing a review copy of this book. By clicking on links to the book, you will be directed to Amazon's website, of which I am an Amazon Associate. Any purchase you make as a result of clicking on the link will provide a minuscule profit for which more books are purchased and reviewed on this website. I am not being compensated by anyone for my honest opinion of this book during this blog tour.
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