Saturday, April 18, 2009

Organ Donor Awareness Month!

April is Organ Donor Awareness Month!! I have been a nurse for 8 years now and know the importance of organ donation! I could name multiple people who are here today because someone gave a gift of life. These are the ones that inspire me!!

My first year teaching high school, I had a student to graduate who had also been a patient of mine the previous year. I had a distinct opportunity to watch this young man cross the stage with his donated heart to receive his diploma. As he was walking across the stage, it was announced that his donor family was also in attendance and had their child lived, he too would have been graduating at the same time. There wasn't a dry eye in the crowd!! There would have been two lives lost had this young man and his family not decided to donate his organs to someone else.

This is just one of many stories that I could share about the importance of donation. I served as a cardiac nurse and mainly saw heart transplants, but I have also taken care of a few and known of others personally with different organ transplants. After viewing the "BODIES: THE EXHIBITION" the first time it came to Atlanta three years ago, my husband and I have signed up, as well as other family members, to be organ donors. As the saying goes "Don't take your organs to heaven", please consider the lives that can be saved by donating when you no longer need them!

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