My rating: 3 of 5 stars
3.75 stars
I was hooked from the prologue of this book but it quickly vanished and I found myself wondering when this story would end. I love a great mystery book and I love music so I was questioning what I was missing when this story just stalled out for me.
This story is set in 1976, the day after Christmas. There were several things, which the author discusses in the appendix of the book, that just didn't fit within the time frame. These really threw me off while reading this and took away from the book for me. While an author has the right to defect from historical accuracy, I personally felt like it took away from the story.
I also felt like parts of this story dragged on forever and several things felt like they were on repeat for me. I realize my review is unpopular opinion, as several people really enjoyed this story. I felt like it could have been 100 pages shorter and still accomplished the same outcome.
One thing I did like about this story is that I agree with the conclusion that True North came to in the end. It was the right thing to do considering all the circumstances.
Please don't take my review as the best, as previously mentioned, my review is not of the popular opinion. It's an enjoyable story but it took me much longer to read this one than most books in this genre take me. I had a hard time staying engaged in the story but did read it to completion.
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