This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Pieces of the Heart
Abingdon Press (June 1, 2013)
Bonnie S. Calhoun
Bonnie S. Calhoun is Owner/Director of Christian Fiction Blog Alliance, owner/publisher of Christian Fiction Online Magazine, Northeast Zone Director for American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), the ACFW ‘2011 Mentor of the Year,” President of (CAN) Christian Authors Network, and Appointment Coordinator for both the Colorado Christian Writers Conference (CCWC) and the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference(GPCWC).
For the last six years she has taught workshops in Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, and creating Social Media promotions at both CCWC, and GPCWC, and in 2011 at the Montrose, Pa Christian Writers Conference. She also taught a Facebook workshop at the 2012 ACFW conference.
Bonnie and her husband live in a log cabin in upstate area of New York with a dog and cat who think she’s wait-staff.
Her sites are:

Cordelia Grace watched Bernard Howard, the love of her young life, go off to fight for our country in WWII. And she has spent the last three years creating the Pine Cone quilt that will grace their marriage bed when he comes home. Each row of triangles signifies a layer in her life, sets of memories, hopes, dreams, and prayers for her future, enough spoken words to cover them forever. Her image of their “happy-ever-after” grows proportionally as the quilt expands.
But is the man that returns from the war, the same man that she remembered? Are the dark shades of color that she had to use for the outside edges of the beloved quilt prophetic of her life to come? Can love and faith overcome all?
If you would like to read teh first chapter of Pieces of the Heart, go HERE.
I just returned home from vacation and found this book in my mail today. Therefore, I have not read the whole book yet. I am getting into though and, wow...
Cordelia is a young girl who has been bullied by the neighborhood kids because of the tone of her skin. She is rescued one day by a young man named Bernard. Cordelia spends a lot of time with her grandmother, who is making a "life covering" for her. She prays over each piece as she puts the quilt together for her granddaughter. Bernard comes from an abusive home but he has a strong faith in the Lord. Cordelia and Bernard are in love and anxiously awaiting the day they can join their lives together. However, a war is ensue and the future is scary.
Reading this book today has really had me missing my grandmothers. My dad's mom did not quilt or sew of any kind for that matter, but she instilled a love in me for jigsaw puzzles. My mom's mom did a lot of sewing but I'm not sure she quilted. I do have several dolls that she made me as a child. I love Cordelia and her grandmother in this story and I'm excited to see how all of this plays out. It's been awhile since I've read a book that I just didn't want to put down! I hope to finish this tomorrow! :)
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