My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It's a rare occasion that I read a non-fiction book. Not saying that there is anything wrong with the genre, it's just not my preferred genre of choice. For quite some time now, my boss has been wanting us to do a book study at the office. This book was her first choice and I'm very glad we read this one together!
Fred is a postman, but he's not your typical postman. Fred goes way out of his way, totally above and beyond his call of duty, to care for his postal patrons. He hides packages out of the way of thieves, he talks to the people on his route and genuinely gets to know them, and he's the epitome of what a great employee should look and act like. Fred loves his job and it's obvious, so much that to Fred, being the postman isn't really a job, but more like a calling.
This books gives great tips and practical advice that can be used in the workplace, as well as interpersonal relationships. I have found myself being more conscientious of the Freds around me and making a point to share Fred with those who go above and beyond their job description. Not only that, I do my best to be a Fred to others too.
I would recommend this one to anyone and everyone who is looking for ways to improve their work culture and environment. It's also great for families too!
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